
Every C application starts with main(). In order to make life easier, libmtev provides an mtev_main that facilitates configuration loading, logging setup, privilege separation and watchdog orchestration.

#include <mtev_main.h>
#include <mtev_memory.h>

#define APPNAME "simple"
static char *config_file = "/path/to/simple.conf";
static int debug = 0;
static int foreground = 0;
static char *glider = NULL;
static char *droptouser = NULL;
static char *droptogroup = NULL;
static mtev_lock_op_t lockop = MTEV_LOCK_OP_LOCK;
static int usage(const char *execname) {
  /* relevant usage output */
  return 2; /* returning 2 will avoid a watchdog restart */
static void parse_cli_args(int argc, char **argv) {
  /* left as an excercise to the reader */
int child_main() {
  /* implement your application here */
  /* typically: init things and start the event loop */
  return 0;
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
  parse_cli_args(argc, argv);
  if(!config_file) exit(usage(argv[0]));

  mtev_main(APPNAME, config_file, debug, foreground,
            lockop, glider, droptouser, droptogroup,
  return 0;

The arguments to mtev_main are what is important here.


    This is the name of your app, and must match the name of the root node in your XML configuration document.

  • config_file

    The path to the config file. It is highly recommended that libmtev applications tie this to the -c CLI flag.

  • debug

    If 0, the "debug" log_stream remains disabled. If non-zero, the "debug" log_stream is enabled. It is highly recommended that libmtev applications tie this to the -d CLI flag.

  • foreground

    If 0, the application will run in the background and be monitored by the watchdog subsystem. This is a reasonable behavior for almost all libmtev applications. If set to 1, the application will run in the foreground and not be monitored by the watchdog subsystem. It is highly recommended that libmtev applications tie this behavior to a single -D CLI argument. If set to 2, the application will be run under the watchdog subsystem, but the watchdog monitoring process will remain in the foreground. It is highly recommended that libmtev applications tie this behavior to repeated -D -D CLI arguments. When applications are run in the foreground, file descriptors 0, 1 and 2 remain pointing to the stdin, stdout and and stderr of the invoking context. If, the application is run in the background, all are replaced with file descriptors pointing to /dev/null.

  • lockop

    This argument controls how mtev_main will respect the lockfile specified at the configuration root. If MTEV_LOCK_OP_NONE is used, then locking will be skipped; only do this if you know what you are doing as it could lead to application inconsistency. If MTEV_LOCK_OP_LOCK is used, the lockfile will be locked prior to starting; if locking fails, the application will exit immediately. If MTEV_LOCK_OP_WAIT is used, the application will wait for the lockfile to be available and then lock it before starting the application.

  • glider

    An optional override for the gilder attribute of the watchdog configuration.

  • droptouser & droptogroup

    If the application is run as the root user and these are specified, this informs mtev_main and its initialization routines that you intend to drop privileges and ensures that initialization processes that must be performed as the specified user and group are done so in that context.

    Caution: Security Warning

    The developer is responsible for dropping privileges during the initialization sequence in child_main via the mtev_conf_security_init(...) API call.

  • child_main

    This is the surrogate main where the application should be initialized and run. Note that it should not return. Typically this function will end with an event_loop() which is non-returning.

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