Important Notes

In this section we will call out important notes that affect all developers that will integrate libmtev. These notes will be reinforced in other more specific sections, but often deal with the interaction between components.

The Eventer and the Watchdog and You

The eventer is the core operational concept of libmtev; it is its heart. Unlike some simple event loops out there, libmtev uses multi-threaded event loops (called eventer_pools). By default, there is one eventer_pool in the system, but more can be configured. In addition to the traditional event loop concept, asynchronous job queues ("eventer_jobq") are available for operations having the potential to block the normal event loops. These queues are named and can have different concurrencies based on work load.

So you have multiple asynch queues, each with configurable and run-time-adjustable concurrency plus multiple pools each with multiple threads running a "traditional" event loop.

In evented systems, it is important that you don't "block" the loop. It is so important, in fact, that the watchdog exists to ensure that you don't mistakenly do so. The watchdog is responsible for making sure that the program does not stall in the event loop. This also means that your event loops are responsible for issuing a heartbeat such that the watchdog knows you have not stalled. While this is C, and you can do almost anything, if you attempt to disable the heartbeats, you're doing it wrong and things will break unexpectedly and often in ways that will adversely affect production applications. Don't do that. You can set different watchdog timeouts per eventer_pool.

Multi-thread Safety

Memory Management

Multi-threaded apps can be hard, specifically in the area of memory management. The safe_ memory management routines in mtev_memory.h are there to help, but they are not a silver bullet. They wrap libck epoch memory reclamation and make it such that memory touched inside an event callback will not be freed until the callback returns. Again, not a silver bullet.


The mtev_conf_ subsystem is based on libxml2 and has certain nuances to its thread-safety. In order to interoperate with the configuration system you must acquire and release sections of the config in either read (concurrent) or write (single access) mode. If you make any changes to the XML structure you must acquire a section in write mode or undefinied behavior may ensue. All locks are recusively safe and a write-lock will serve as a read-lock, but a read-lock will not upgrade to a write-lock.

The event system is thread-safe, but that doesn't mean you can't do bad things. Specifically, one should only manipulate events in the current event loop. Case in point, if you have a read/write event and a timeout event that can shutdown the read/write event, the two events should exist in the same event loop thread. Complications arise if the timeout fires and attempts to manipulate the read/write event if the read/write event is currently in its callback. It can be done safely, but it is complicated to get right and one should just make life simple if possible.

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