Environment Variables

Other than the interactions environment variables can have on configuration, there are several standard environment variables that effect the operation of any libmtev application.


    If set to 1 it will enable the debug/eventer log stream.


    If set to non-0, dwarf sections will be analyzed to make human readable stacktraces (adding file and line numbers).


    If set to 1 it will disable the JIT within the lua module.


    If numeric and positive, it be passed numerically to jit.opt.start in the lua module.


    If set to 0, this will disable the requirement for an invariant rdtsc for libmtev's "faster time" support.


    If set to 1, this will enable libmtev's "faster time" support if available.


    If set to 1, threads created via mtev_thread will not be bound to CPUs.


    If set to 0, libmtev's internal crash handling code will not be run. If set to 1, will run libmtev's internal crash handling code. If set to a file path for a script or external tool, this will be invoked on a crash with the thread id and process pid as parameters (pid only on non-linux). Use a wrapper script with execution rights and sudoers as needed to give sudo permissions or additional calling parameters when invoking the external tool.


    If numeric and non-zero, this turns on debug logging for the logging system. This should only be used by developers to debug the logging system itself. These logs all go to stderr.


    If zero, this disables "asynch core dumps." It forces the monitor process to wait for the child process to leave the process table before attempting to restart it upon crash.


    A size (in bytes) for the altstack for handling crashes.


    A timeout observed by the parent monitor. If the child process does not heartbeat from each thread within this number of seconds, the monitor will terminate and restart the child. Non-integral numbers are allowed.

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