The Eventer (ACO)

Non-blocking programming can be a real mind bender. While using the classic event system is fast and extremely powerful, it can be difficult to cope with context. When there isn't data available and you need to be called back later, you must track that context yourself through closures and if you consider complex protocols requiring asynch operations your resulting state machine can be a monster.

This is where ACO comes in. ACO stands for Arkenstone Co-routines; see libaco. This system provides a novel cooperative co-routine approach that allows the "call me back later" to happen in a seemingly blocking coding style.

How it works.

In order to use ACO, you must start an ACO procedure. This procedure runs a function that should not return, but instead call aco_exit(). Within this function, the execution is in the context of a "green thread."

Once in this function, the stack pointer is switched to an alternate co-routine "shared stack" (one per operating system thread). Each co-routine on a given operating system thread will have a small "save stack". When the thread performs an operation that would normally require using a callback within the classic event system, it yields control back to the event loop. When an event triggers that would allow this co-routine to continue, it is resumed. If the co-routine wasn't the last one on the "shared stack" then it is swapped in ("shared stack" copied to the current owner's "save stack" and the resuming thread's "save stack" copied into the "shared stack").

This stack swapping means that a coroutine's "save stack" can be right-sized and occupy very little space. The copying can be expensive for larger stacks so it is also important that you keep your stack usage small. Turning on debug logging will report stack sizes of co-routines as they are resumed. Additionally, your compiler can help you: -Wstack-size=1024 for example.

Co-routines do not "manage" asynchronous events, but can place calls to them.

Relationship with the classic event system.

You can create and schedule classic events from anywhere in the system including a co-routine. Special interactions with events will yield/resume automatically are performed through the eventer_aco family of functions. Not all classic events make sense to interact with.

  • Recurrent events have no meaning in co-routines. Co-routines aren't recurrent.
  • Timed events make little sense in non-callback-oriented coding. eventer_aco_sleep should be everything you need.
  • Asynchronous events are blocking already, so co-routines make no sense. However, waiting for the completion of an asynchronous event is quite useful. This is what the eventer_aco_simple_asynch and eventer_aco_run_asynch families of functions do.
  • File-descriptor-based events are the obvious deep integration. Each of the eventer_aco_ variants to read, write, accept, and close events have optional timeouts as parameters instead of a mask.

If a normal eventer_read (or write, etc.) function is called upon an eventer_aco_t object (breaking the type safety), it will be treated as if it is a call to its eventer_aco_ counterpart with no timeout.


Starting a simple co-routine

static void my_coroutine(void) {
  struct timeval *sleep_time = eventer_aco_arg();
  while(1) {
    mtevL(mtev_error, "Waking up to do something\n");

void calling_function(void) {
  struct timeval *sleep_time = malloc(sizeof(*sleep_time));
  sleep_time->tv_sec = 2;
  sleep_time->tv_usec = 0;
  eventer_aco_start(my_coroutine, sleep_time);

The calling_function can be call any time after eventer_init(). While the my_coroutine function looks blocking, it is actually cooperating with all classic events and other aco events on the same eventer thread.

Moving an event to aco

static void my_aco_process(void);

static int
classic_callback(eventer_t e, int mask, void *c, struct timeval *now) {
  // First we must remove the event from the eventer system.

  // When we return 0 from this function, the event will be freed,
  // so we need a copy.
  eventer_t copy = eventer_alloc_copy(e);

  // This event needs to be converted to an aco event, but we don't
  // have a coroutine yet.
  eventer_aco_start(my_aco_process, copy);

  return 0;

static void
my_aco_process(void) {
  eventer_t classic_e = eventer_aco_arg();

  // We're now in an aco context so we can convert this to an aco event.
  eventer_aco_t e = eventer_set_eventer_aco(classic_e);

  // Use eventer_aco_* functions to interact with e.


Making an aco listener

The listener subsystem is outfitted to dispatch to aco threads. In this case, all of the event duplication and conversion is done for you. Simply register a named function as an aco function with the listener subsystem.

static void listen_to_me(void) {
  eventer_aco_t e = eventer_aco_arg();
  struct timeval tensec = { .tv_sec = 10 };
  while(1) {
    int rv;
    char buff[128];
    rv = eventer_aco_read(e, buff, sizeof(buff), &tensec);
    if(rv == -1) {
      if(errno == ETIME) {
        eventer_aco_write(e, "bye!\n", 5, NULL);
    if(rv >=4 && !strncasecmp(buff, "quit", 4)) {
      eventer_aco_write(e, "quitter!\n", 9, NULL);
    if(eventer_aco_write(e, "thanks!\n", 9, NULL) < 0)

  // our caller aco_exit()s, but it won't hurt anything if we do it first
  // aco_exit();

static int child_main(void) {
  mtev_listener_register_aco_function("listen_to_me", listen_to_me);
  return 0;

Using aco with REST

To use aco with REST handlers, simply use mtev_rest_mountpoint_set_aco. The handler has the same signature, but it will be serviced within an aco co-routine. This is particularly useful for calling asynch events. As the eventer_aco_simple_asynch family of functions will run code asynchronously in a job queue and appear to block until it is complete.

static void asynch_hello(void *closure) {
  mtev_http_rest_closure_t *restc = closure;
  mtev_http_session_ctx *ctx = restc->http_ctx;
  mtev_http_response_append_str(ctx, "Hello world.\n");

static int
hello_handler(mtev_http_rest_closure_t *restc,
              int npats, char **pats) {
  mtev_http_session_ctx *ctx = restc->http_ctx;
  mtev_http_response_ok(ctx, "text/plain");
  eventer_aco_simple_asynch(asynch_hello, restc);
  return 0;

static int child_main(void) {

  mtev_rest_mountpoint_t *rule = mtev_http_rest_new_rule(
    "GET", "/", "^hello$", hello_handler
  mtev_rest_mountpoint_set_aco(rule, mtev_true);



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