
The logging system within libmtev represents a directed acyclic graph of input-output chains. Each node in the graph has a unique name and is called a "log_stream." Log_streams without a type attribute have output to downstream nodes ("outlets"). Nodes with a type attribute have additional output characteristics (like outputting to a file).

Upon startup, the system will establish several built-in log_streams, only one of which has a type. The "stderr" log_stream has a type of file and an output filedescriptor of 2. Other log_stream are setup and and configured to have the "stderr" log_stream as their outlet. These log_streams are called: "error", "notice", "debug." The correspond to the global logging symbols in the C API: mtev_stderr, mtev_error, mtev_notice, and mtev_debug, respectively. For more information on logging via the API, see the development section of this documentation relaated to logging. The "debug" log_stream is disabled by default.

Logs are hierarchical in nomenclature as a convenience. If, in your code, you request a log named "error/foo" and no such log exists in the configuration, a new untyped log will be created and its outlet will be set to "error". This is recursive, so "debug/myapp/facility1" will (unless configured otherwise) outlet to "debug/myapp" which will outlet to "debug." This makes it very simple to semantically separate logs into new error and debugging facilities without worrying about them being lost, while providing the flexibility to configure where things go if other outcomes are desired.

All logging configuration exists within the top-level XML node <logs>. Individual log_streams are declared using <log> stanzas and outlets are declared using <outlet> stanzas. A log_stream uses all <outlet> stanzas that are its direct child or direct child of any ancestor node.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf8" standalone="yes"?>
    <log name="internal" type="memory" path="10000,1000000" require_env="MEMLOG"/>
    <log name="logfile" type="file" path="/var/log/app.log"
         rotate_bytes="10000000" retain_bytes="50000000" timestamps="on"/>
    <log name="http/access" type="jlog" path="/var/log/app-http.feed(*)"/>
      <outlet name="stderr"/>
      <outlet name="internal"/>
      <outlet name="logfile"/>
      <log name="error"/>
        <outlet name="error"/>
        <log name="error/example"/>
        <log name="error/sample"/>
        <outlet name="debug"/>
        <log name="debug/example" disabled="true"/>

Let's walk through this sample file to understand what's going on. First there are seven <log> stanzas establishing log_streams named "internal", "logfile", "http/access", "error", "error/example", "error/sample", and "debug/example".

Starting at the end, the "debug/example" log_stream is declared in a disabled state via the disabled="true" attribute. If walk it and its anscestors we find one <outlet name="debug"/> child. This log_stream has no type, so any messages sent into this log are only output to its outlet "debug." You'll notice that no log_stream named "debug" is declared. We rely on the built-in "debug" log which is setup to output to "stderr". Also, because we did not declare a "debug" log_stream with disabled="false", the default state remains disabled.

Outlets may have a filter attribute that will apply to messages passing along these graph edges. A filter is a logical expression using mtev_logic grammar. It supports and(p[,p[,...]]), or(p[,p[,...]]) and not(p) where p is a predicate field OP <value> or exists(field). OP is one of =, !=, >, >=, <, <=, and ~, !~ (for regex matching). If the value is a quoted string, comparisons are made a strings. If the value is not quoted, then comparisons are attempted numerically. Fields include timestamp, facility, threadid, threadname, file, line, message, and any other fields added via the extended metadata logging facilities: mtevEL.

The "error/example" and "error/sample" log_stream are similarly configured to output to the "error" log_stream as its outlet. But, we've declared the "error" log_stream in this configuration so that we can manipulate its outlets. The <components>, <error>, and <debug> nodes have no special meaning by name; they are simply used as descriptive hierarchical containers to allow us to share outlet configuration and to logically isolate our intentions.

The "error" log_stream already exists as a built-in log_stream. The declaration here is used to set outlets to the three log_streams named: "stderr", "internal", and "logfile". As before, we use an arbitrarily named node to contiain the declaration logically; this time called <console_output>.

The "internal" log_stream is of type memory which uses an in-memory ring buffer to store recent log lines. We have a limit ot 10000 log lines and 1000000 bytes. It is also only active if the environment variable INMEM is set.

The "logfile" log_stream is of type file and will auto-rotate files as they hit 10 million bytes and delete old log files as the cumulative space consumed exceeds 50 million bytes. Timestamps are turned on for this log_stream.

The "http/access" log_stream is of type jlog which is create a Jlog journaled log for external consumption.

Generic Attributes

  • require_env

    This optionally requires conditions around an environment variable. See require_env.

  • debug

    If "on"/"true", additional debugging information (like thread ID) is injected into logged lines.

  • facility

    If "on"/"true", the name of the log is injected into logged lines.

  • timestamps

    If "on"/"true", timestamps are injected into logged lines.

  • disabled

    If "on"/"true", the stream is disabled and attempts to log to the facility will result in a single branch instruction.

  • format

    Can be set to plain, flatbuffer, or json. The default is plain. This option impacts logs that write output (those with the type field set).

  • stats

    If "on"/"true", log line counts are exposed as metrics in the mtev/stats.json

Log Types


The memory log_stream type establishes an internal ring buffer in memory. There are APIs (including REST endpoints) to retrieve the contents of this ring buffer. Additionally, if the process crashes one can examine the contents of the ring buffer with a debugger.

  • path

    The path attribute takes two numbers comma separated. The first number is the maximum number of log lines to be retained. The second number is the maximum number of bytes to be retained. The implementation will not exceed either limit.


The file log_stream type is used to drive writing to ordinary files using the POSIX API. It provides both time-based and size-based retention management capabilities.

  • path

    The path is the filename to which log data should be written.

  • rotate_seconds

    Specifies how many seconds of log data should be written into a file before it is moved aside and a new file is started. (used with retain_seconds and not with rotate_bytes or retain_bytes).

  • retain_seconds

    Specified the number of seconds of data to be retained. If all log data in a rotated file are older than this value, the file will be removed. (used with rotate_seconds and not with rotate_bytes or retain_bytes).

  • rotate_bytes

    Specifies how many bytes of log data should be written into a file before it is moved aside and a new file is started. (used with retain_bytes and not with rotate_seconds or retain_seconds).

  • retain_bytes

    Specified the number of bytes of data to be retained. If all log data in a in all rotated files exceed this value, the oldest file will be removed. (used with rotate_bytes and not with rotate_seconds or retain_seconds).


The jlog log_stream type implements an log output to the Jlog multi-file journalled logging format. Jlog is a segmented write-ahead log that is fast and efficient and supports multiple subscribers with independently maintained process checkpoints.

  • path

    The path is the Jlog directory to be used. It may optionally be ended with a parenthesized subscriber name. If a name (other than "*") is provided, a subscriber of that name will be added to the Jlog on creation.

jlog config

The jlog can be further configured using a <config> stanza supporting the following options:

  • segment_size

    Set advisory segment size for the jlog in bytes. By default jlog uses 4Mb. There is a hard-coded limit of 1Gb. If the specified value is out of range, not changes are made to the existing jlog.

  • precommit

    Specify a precommit buffer size in bytes. The default is 0 and the maximum is 8Mb. If the specified value is too large, 8Mb is used.

Built-in logging facilities

libmtev uses its own logging, so applications have ample error and debugging information exposed out of the box. There are three four built-in logging facilities that serve as the base for most others: stderr, error, notice, and debug. By default, debug is disabled and both error and notice outlet stderr.

The following log streams are used within libmtev:


Generic debug logging, by default all debug/* logs flow through here as an outlet.


Debugging output from the amqp module.


Debugging output from mtev clustering.


Debugging output from the configuration system.


Debugging output from the consul module.


Debugging output from curl operations in the consul module.


Debugging information from the internal dwarf analyzer.


Debugging information from the eventer subsystem.


Debugging information from the fq module.


Debugging information from the http service framework.


Debugging information from the http/2 service framework.


Debugging information from the http_observer module.


Debugging information from the listener subsystem.


Debugging information from the lua modules lua_general and lua_web.


Debugging information from the memory subsystem, specfically around safe memory reclamation.


Debugging information from the rest subsystem (sitting atop the http and http/2 service frameworks).


Debugging information from the reverse connection subsystem.


Debugging information from the time subsystem, particularly around timings and thread affinity.


Debugging information from the websocker integration atop the http service framework.


Generic debug capture from the libxml2 framework.


Debugging information from the zipkin_fq module.


Debugging information from the zipkin_jaeger module.


Generic error logging, by default all error/* logs flow through here as an outlet.


Error logging for the amqp module.


Error logging for clustering operations.


Error logging for the configuration subsystem.


Error logging for the consul module.


Error logging for the eventer subsystem.


Error logging for the fq module.


Error logging for the http_observer module.


Error logging for the listener subsystem.


Error logging for the lua modules lua_general and lua_web.


Error logging for the rest subsystem (sitting atop the http and http/2 service frameworks).


Error logging for the reverse connection subsystem.


Error logging for the websocker integration atop the http service framework.


Error logging for the zipkin_jaeger module.


Informational output.


HTTP access logs (close to the Apache2 common log format).


Debugging information for I/O performed in the http and http/2 service frameworks.


A logging facility that writes to file descriptor 2.

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