
Publish an AMQP message to one of the configured amqp brokers.

mtev_amqp_send(struct amqp_envelope_t_ *env, int mandatory, int immediate, int id)
  • env An envelope with a valid message. The env pointer must be word aligned.
  • mandatory Set to non-zero if the message should be sent with the mandatory flag.
  • immediate Set to non-zero if the message should be sent with the immediate flag.
  • id the ID of the connection: -1 to broadcast.


Publish an AMQP message to one of the configured amqp brokers.

mtev_amqp_send_data(char *exchange, char *route, int mandatory, int immediate, void *payload,
                    int len, int id)
  • exchange The AMQP exchange to publish to.
  • route The route to set on the message.
  • mandatory Set to non-zero if the message should be sent with the mandatory flag.
  • immediate Set to non-zero if the message should be sent with the immediate flag.
  • payload the contents of the message.
  • len the number of bytes present in payload.
  • id the ID of the connection: -1 to broadcast.



Decode a base32 encoded input buffer into the provided output buffer.

mtev_b32_decode(const char *src, size_t src_len, unsigned char *dest, size_t dest_len)
  • src The buffer containing the encoded content.
  • src_len The size (in bytes) of the encoded data.
  • dest The destination buffer to which the function will produce.
  • dest_len The size of the destination buffer.
  • RETURN The size of the decoded output. Returns zero is dest_len is too small.

mtev_b32_decode decodes input until an the entire input is consumed or until an invalid base32 character is encountered.


Encode raw data as base32 encoded output into the provided buffer.

mtev_b32_encode(const unsigned char *src, size_t src_len, char *dest, size_t dest_len)
  • src The buffer containing the raw data.
  • src_len The size (in bytes) of the raw data.
  • dest The destination buffer to which the function will produce.
  • dest_len The size of the destination buffer.
  • RETURN The size of the encoded output. Returns zero is out_sz is too small.


Calculate how large a buffer must be to contain the base-32 encoding for a given number of bytes.

mtev_b32_encode_len(size_t src_len)
  • src_len The size (in bytes) of the raw data buffer that might be encoded.
  • RETURN The size of the buffer that would be needed to store an encoded version of an input string.


Calculate how large a buffer must be to contain a decoded base-32-encoded string of a given length.

mtev_b32_max_decode_len(size_t src_len)
  • src_len The size (in bytes) of the base-32-encoded string that might be decoded.
  • RETURN The size of the buffer that would be needed to decode the input string.


Decode a base64 encoded input buffer into the provided output buffer.

mtev_b64_decode(const char *src, size_t src_len, unsigned char *dest, size_t dest_len)
  • src The buffer containing the encoded content.
  • src_len The size (in bytes) of the encoded data.
  • dest The destination buffer to which the function will produce.
  • dest_len The size of the destination buffer.
  • RETURN The size of the decoded output. Returns zero is dest_len is too small.

mtev_b64_decode decodes input until an the entire input is consumed or until an invalid base64 character is encountered.


Encode raw data as base64 encoded output into the provided buffer.

mtev_b64_encode(const unsigned char *src, size_t src_len, char *dest, size_t dest_len)
  • src The buffer containing the raw data.
  • src_len The size (in bytes) of the raw data.
  • dest The destination buffer to which the function will produce.
  • dest_len The size of the destination buffer.
  • RETURN The size of the encoded output. Returns zero is out_sz is too small.

mtev_b64_encode encodes an input string into a base64 representation with no linefeeds.


Calculate how large a buffer must be to contain the base-64 encoding for a given number of bytes.

mtev_b64_encode_len(size_t src_len)
  • src_len The size (in bytes) of the raw data buffer that might be encoded.
  • RETURN The size of the buffer that would be needed to store an encoded version of an input string.


Encode raw data as base64 encoded output into the provided buffer.

mtev_b64_encodev(const struct iovec *iov, size_t iov_len, char *dest, size_t dest_len)
  • iov The io-vectors containing the raw data.
  • iovcnt The number of io-vectors.
  • dest The destination buffer to which the function will produce.
  • dest_len The size of the destination buffer.
  • RETURN The size of the encoded output. Returns zero is out_sz is too small.

mtev_b64_encodev encodes an input string into a base64 representation with no linefeeds.


Calculate how large a buffer must be to contain a decoded base-64-encoded string of a given length.

mtev_b64_max_decode_len(size_t src_len)
  • src_len The size (in bytes) of the base-64-encoded string that might be decoded.
  • RETURN The size of the buffer that would be needed to decode the input string.



Get the time of the last invoked callback in this thread.

eventer_gettimeofeventer_impl_data_t *t,
callback(struct timeval *now, void *tzp)
  • t is the thread-local eventer data, if unknown pass NULL
  • now a struct timeval to populate with the request time.
  • tzp is ignored and for API compatibility with gettimeofday.
  • RETURN 0 on success, non-zero on failure.

This function returns the time of the last callback execution. It is fast and cheap (cheaper than gettimeofday), so if a function wishes to know what time it is and the "time of invocation" is good enough, this is considerably cheaper than a call to mtev_gettimeofday or other system facilities.


A mtev_cluster_node_filter_func_t for alive nodes.


This function is available to be passed as the filter argument to mtev_cluster_filter_owners.


Determines if the local node is the oldest node within the cluster.

mtev_cluster_am_i_oldest_node(const mtev_cluster_t *cluster)
  • cluster The cluster in question.
  • RETURN Returns mtev_false if there is a node in the cluster with a higher up-time than this one.


Find the cluster with the registered name.

mtev_cluster_t *
mtev_cluster_by_name(const char *name)
  • name The name of the cluster.
  • RETURN Returns a pointer to the cluster or NULL is not found.

Takes a name and finds a globally registered cluster by that name.


Determines if the local node should possess a given key based on internal CHTs.

mtev_cluster_do_i_own(mtev_cluster_t *cluster, void *key, size_t klen, int w)
  • cluster The cluster in question.
  • key A pointer to the key.
  • klen The length, in bytes, of the key.
  • w The number of nodes that are supposed to own this key.
  • RETURN Returns mtev_true or mtev_false based on ownership status.

This function determines if the local node is among the w nodes in this cluster that should own the specified key.


Report on the availability of the clusters feature.

  • RETURN mtev_true if clusters can be configured, otherwise mtev_false.


Determines if the local node should possess a given key based on internal CHTs.

mtev_cluster_filter_owners(mtev_cluster_t *cluster, void *key, size_t klen, mtev_cluster_node_t **set,
                           int *w, mtev_cluster_node_filter_func_t filter, void *closure)
  • cluster The cluster in question.
  • key A pointer to the key.
  • klen The length, in bytes, of the key.
  • set A caller allocated array of at least *w length.
  • w The number of nodes that are supposed to own this key, updated to set length that matches filter.
  • filter The function used to qualify nodes.
  • closure A user supplied value that is passed to the filter function.
  • RETURN Returns mtev_true or mtev_false if set[0] is this node.

This function populates a set of owners for a key, but first filters them according to a user-specified function.


Find a node by uuid within a cluster.

mtev_cluster_node_t *
mtev_cluster_find_node(mtev_cluster_t *cluster, uuid_t nodeid)
  • cluster The '' containing the node.
  • nodeid The nodeid being searched for.
  • RETURN Returns a pointer to the mtev_cluster_node_t or NULL if not found.

Takes a cluster and a node UUID and returns a pointer to the corresponding mtev_cluster_node_t.


Returns the current config sequence of the given cluster

mtev_cluster_get_config_seq(mtev_cluster_t *cluster)
  • cluster The cluster in question, may not be NULL.

This function returns the current config sequence of the given cluster


Gets the current value of a payload segment from a node.

mtev_cluster_get_heartbeat_payload(mtev_cluster_t *cluster, uint8_t app_id, uint8_t key, void **payload)
  • cluster The cluster in question, may not be NULL.
  • app_id Used to identify the application that attached the payload.
  • key Used to identify the payload amongst other payloads from the application.
  • payload Pointer to a payload pointer.
  • RETURN The length of the payload, -1 if that payload segment does not exist.


Returns the boot time of the local node.

struct timeval
  • RETURN The boot time of the local node.


Returns the name of the cluster.

const char *
mtev_cluster_get_name(mtev_cluster_t *cluster)
  • cluster a cluster
  • RETURN A pointer to the cluster's name.


Find a node in a cluster by id.

mtev_cluster_node_t *
mtev_cluster_get_node(mtev_cluster_t *cluster, uuid_t id)
  • cluster The cluster in question.
  • id The uuid of the node in question.
  • RETURN An mtev_cluster_node_t * if one is found with the provided id, otherwise NULL,


Reports all nodes in the cluster (possible excluding the local node)

mtev_cluster_get_nodes(mtev_cluster_t *cluster, mtev_cluster_node_t **nodes, int n
                       mtev_boolean includeme)
  • cluster The cluster in question.
  • nodes The destination array to which a node list will be written.
  • n The number of positions available in the passed nodes array.
  • includeme Whether the local node should included in the list.
  • RETURN Returns the number of nodes populated in the supplied nodes array. If insufficient space is available, a negative value is returned whose absolute value indicates the required size of the input array.

Enumerates the nodes in a cluster into a provided nodes array.


Returns the oldest node within the given cluster.

mtev_cluster_get_oldest_node(const mtev_cluster_t *cluster)
  • cluster The cluster in question.
  • RETURN Returns the node in the given cluster with the highest up-time.


Reports the UUID of the local node.

mtev_cluster_get_self(uuid_t id)
  • id The UUID to be updated.
  • RETURN Returns -1 on error

Pouplates the passed uuid_t with the local node's UUID.


Initialize the mtev cluster configuration.


Initializes the mtev cluster configuration.


mtev_cluster_node_get_addr(mtev_cluster_node_t *node, struct sockaddr **addr, socklen_t *addrlen)


struct timeval
mtev_cluster_node_get_boot_time(mtev_cluster_node_t *node)
* **RETURN** boot time as timeval struct


const char*
mtev_cluster_node_get_cn(mtev_cluster_node_t *node)
  • RETURN cn (canonical name) of the cluster node


mtev_cluster_node_get_config_seq(mtev_cluster_node_t *node)


Retrieve the ID of a cluster node.

mtev_cluster_node_get_id(mtev_cluster_node_t *node, uuid_t out)
  • node The node in question.
  • out A uuid_t to fill in.


Get the unique integer idx of the node within it's cluster.

mtev_cluster_node_get_idx(mtev_cluster_node_t *node)
  • node The node in question
  • RETURN A number between 0 and cluster_size - 1.


struct timeval
mtev_cluster_node_get_last_contact(mtev_cluster_node_t *node)
  • RETURN time of last contact to the given node


Determine a cluster node has a custom payload attached.

mtev_cluster_node_has_payload(mtev_cluster_node_t *node)
  • node The node in question.
  • RETURN True if there is a payload, false otherwise.


Detrmines if the node in question is dead.

mtev_cluster_node_is_dead(mtev_cluster_node_t *node)
  • node The node in question.
  • RETURN Returns true if the node is dead.


Triggers the attachment of an arbitrary payload to the cluster heartbeats (see mtev_cluster_handle_node_update)

mtev_cluster_set_heartbeat_payload(mtev_cluster_t *cluster, uint8_t app_id, uint8_t key, void* payload
                                   uint8_t payload_length)
  • cluster The cluster in question, may not be NULL.
  • app_id Used to identify the application that attached the payload.
  • key Used to identify the payload amongst other payloads from the application.
  • payload A pointer to the payload that should be attached to every heartbeat message.
  • payload_length The number of bytes to be read from payload.
  • RETURN Returns mtev_true if the payload was not enabled yet

This function triggers the attachment of an arbitrary payload to the cluster heartbeats (see mtev_cluster_get_payload)


Sets a callback which is called everytime a node in the cluster changes it's up-time.

mtev_cluster_set_node_update_callback(mtev_cluster_t *cluster, mtev_cluster_node_update_cb callback)
  • cluster The cluster in question.
  • callback Function pointer to the function that should be called.
  • RETURN Returns mtev_true if the cluster is not NULL, mtev_false otherwise


Sets the UUID of the local node.

mtev_cluster_set_self(uuid_t id)
  • id The UUID.

Sets the local node's cluster identity, potentially updating the on-disk configuration.


Report the number of nodes in the cluster.

mtev_cluster_size(mtev_cluster_t *cluster)
  • cluster The cluster.
  • RETURN The number of nodes in the cluster.

Determines the number of nodes in the given cluster.


Detaches (clears) an arbitrary payload to the cluster heartbeats (see mtev_cluster_handle_node_update)

mtev_cluster_unset_heartbeat_payload(mtev_cluster_t *cluster, uint8_t app_id, uint8_t key)
  • cluster The cluster in question, may not be NULL.
  • app_id Used to identify the application that attached the payload.
  • key Used to identify the payload amongst other payloads from the application.


Add or update an mtev cluster.

mtev_cluster_update(mtev_conf_section_t cluster)
  • cluster The '' node configuration.
  • RETURN Returns -1 on error, 0 on insert, or 1 on update.

Takes a configuration section representing a cluster and registers it in the global cluster configuration.


mtev_confstr_parse_duration(const char *input, uint64_t *output
                            const mtev_duration_definition_t *durations)
  • input String representing a duration.
  • output On successful parsing, filled in with the duration corresponding to input.
  • durations Describes allowable duration suffixes when parsing.
  • RETURN One of:
      • MTEV_CONFSTR_PARSE_SUCCESS (input was parsed successfully, output filled in)
      • MTEV_CONFSTR_PARSE_ERR_FORMAT (input was not well-formed.)

Parses a string representing a duration. The string should be formatted as a set of (optionally) white-space separated duration elements, where a duration element is a number with a resolution suffix. For example, "1s" is a duration element representing one second, while "3min" is a duration element representing three minutes. The total duration is calculated by adding together all the duration elements. For example, "1min 30sec", with resolution in seconds, would result in output of 90; and "1min5ms", at millisecond resolution, would result in output of 60005.


mtev_confstr_parse_duration_ms(const char *input, uint64_t *output)

Convenience function for parsing a duration with resolution in milliseconds. See mtev_confstr_parse_duration and mtev_get_durations_ms.


mtev_confstr_parse_duration_ns(const char *input, uint64_t *output)

Convenience function for parsing a duration with resolution in nanoseconds. See mtev_confstr_parse_duration and mtev_get_durations_ns.


mtev_confstr_parse_duration_s(const char *input, uint64_t *output)

Convenience function for parsing a duration with resolution in seconds. See mtev_confstr_parse_duration and mtev_get_durations_s.


mtev_confstr_parse_duration_us(const char *input, uint64_t *output)

Convenience function for parsing a duration with resolution in microseconds. See mtev_confstr_parse_duration and mtev_get_durations_us.


mtev_curl_write_callback(char *ptr, size_t size, size_t nmemb, void *userdata)


Pass this to CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION and use an mtev_decompress_curl_helper_t as the CURLOPT_WRITEDATA



add data to the dyn_buffer.

mtev_dyn_buffer_add(mtev_dyn_buffer_t *buf, uint8_t *data, size_t len)
  • buf the buffer to add to.
  • data the data to add.
  • len the size of the data to add.


add data to the dyn_buffer as an unquoted json-encoded string.

mtev_dyn_buffer_add_json_string(mtev_dyn_buffer_t *buf, uint8_t *data, size_t len)
  • buf the buffer to add to.
  • data the data to add.
  • len the size of the data to add.
  • sol 1 to escape the solipsis, 0 otherwise.


add data to the dyn_buffer using printf semantics.

mtev_dyn_buffer_add_printf(mtev_dyn_buffer_t *buf, const char *format, ...)
  • buf the buffer to add to.
  • format the printf style format string
  • args printf arguments

This does NUL terminate the format string but does not advance the write_pointer past the NUL. Basically, the last mtev_dyn_buffer_add_printf will leave the resultant data NUL terminated.


move the write_pointer forward len bytes

mtev_dyn_buffer_advance(mtev_dyn_buffer_t *buf)
  • buf the buffer to advance


return the front of the dyn_buffer

mtev_dyn_buffer_data(mtev_dyn_buffer_t *buf)
  • buf the buffer to get the pointer from.
  • RETURN the pointer to the front (beginning) of the dyn_buffer


destroy the dyn_buffer data and reinitialize it

mtev_dyn_buffer_destroy(mtev_dyn_buffer_t *buf)
  • buf the buffer to destroy

    This must be called at the end of dyn_buffer interactions in case the buffer has overflowed into dynamic allocation space. Any dynamic allocation space will be freed and the dyn_buffer will also be reinitialized.


destroy the dyn_buffer but return the null-terminated data

the dyn_buffer will be reinitialized

mtev_dyn_buffer_destroy_detach_data(mtev_dyn_buffer_t *buf)
  • buf the buffer to destroy and return data from

    This or mtev_dyn_buffer_destroy must be called at the end of dyn_buffer interactions. This version detaches and returns the data for the caller to use and free.


possibly grow the dyn_buffer so it can fit len bytes

mtev_dyn_buffer_ensure(mtev_dyn_buffer_t *buf, size_t len)
  • buf the buffer to ensure
  • len the size of the data about to be added


initialize a dyn_buffer

mtev_dyn_buffer_init(mtev_dyn_buffer_t *buf)
  • buf the buffer to init

    Provided for completeness or non-stack allocations.


move the write position to the beginning of the buffer

mtev_dyn_buffer_reset(mtev_dyn_buffer_t *buf)
  • buf the buffer to reset.


return the total size of the buffer

mtev_dyn_buffer_size(mtev_dyn_buffer_t *buf)
  • buf the buffer to get the size from.
  • RETURN the total size of the buffer


return the total used space of the buffer

mtev_dyn_buffer_used(mtev_dyn_buffer_t *buf)
  • buf the buffer to get the used space from.
  • RETURN the total used space of the buffer


return the end of the dyn_buffer

mtev_dyn_buffer_write_pointer(mtev_dyn_buffer_t *buf)
  • buf the buffer to get the pointer from.
  • RETURN the pointer to the end of the dyn_buffer



Execute an opset-appropriate accept call.

eventer_accept(eventer_t e, struct sockaddr *addr, socklen_t *len, int *mask)
  • e an event object
  • addr a struct sockaddr to be populated.
  • len a socklen_t pointer to the size of the addr argument; updated.
  • mask a point the a mask. If the call does not complete, *mask it set.
  • RETURN an opset-appropriate return value. (fd for POSIX, -1 for SSL).

If the function returns -1 and errno is EAGAIN, the *mask reflects the necessary activity to make progress.


Execute an opset-appropriate accept call.

eventer_aco_accept(eventer_t e, struct sockaddr *addr, socklen_t *len, struct timeval *timeout)
  • e an event object
  • addr a struct sockaddr to be populated.
  • len a socklen_t pointer to the size of the addr argument; updated.
  • timeout if not NULL, the time after which we fail -1, ETIME
  • RETURN an opset-appropriate return value. (fd for POSIX, -1 for SSL).


Gets the argument used to start an aco coroutine.

void *
  • RETURN The closure parameter that was passed to eventer_aco_start.


Asynchronously execute a function.

eventer_aco_asynch(eventer_asynch_func_t func, void *closure)
  • func the function to execute.
  • closure the closure for the function.


Asynchronously execute a function.

eventer_aco_asynch_gated(eventer_aco_gate_t gate, eventer_asynch_func_t func, void *closure)
  • gate a gate to notify on completion.
  • func the function to execute.
  • closure the closure for the function.


Asynchronously execute a function.

eventer_aco_asynch_queue(eventer_asynch_func_t func, void *closure, eventer_jobq_t *q)
  • func the function to execute.
  • closure the closure for the function.
  • q the jobq on which to schedule the work.


Asynchronously execute a function.

eventer_aco_asynch_queue_gated(eventer_aco_gate_t gate, eventer_asynch_func_t func, void *closure
                               eventer_jobq_t *q)
  • gate a gate to notify on completion.
  • func the function to execute.
  • closure the closure for the function.
  • q the jobq on which to schedule the work.


Asynchronously execute a function.

eventer_aco_asynch_queue_subqueue(eventer_asynch_func_t func, void *closure, eventer_jobq_t *q, uint64_t id)
  • func the function to execute.
  • closure the closure for the function.
  • q the jobq on which to schedule the work.
  • id the subqueue within the jobq.


Asynchronously execute a function.

eventer_aco_asynch_queue_subqueue_deadline(eventer_asynch_func_t func, void *closure, eventer_jobq_t *q, uint64_t id
                                           struct timeval *whence)
  • func the function to execute.
  • closure the closure for the function.
  • q the jobq on which to schedule the work.
  • id the subqueue within the jobq.
  • whence the deadline


Asynchronously execute a function.

eventer_aco_asynch_queue_subqueue_deadline_gated(eventer_aco_gate_t gate, eventer_asynch_func_t func, void *closure,
                                                 eventer_jobq_t *q, uint64_t id, struct timeval *whence)
  • gate a gate to notify on completion
  • func the function to execute.
  • closure the closure for the function.
  • q the jobq on which to schedule the work.
  • id the subqueue within the jobq.
  • whence the deadline


Asynchronously execute a function.

eventer_aco_asynch_queue_subqueue_gated(eventer_aco_gate_t gate, eventer_asynch_func_t func, void *closure,
                                        eventer_jobq_t *q, uint64_t id)
  • gate a gate to notify on completion.
  • func the function to execute.
  • closure the closure for the function.
  • q the jobq on which to schedule the work.
  • id the subqueue within the jobq.


Execute an opset-appropriate close call.

eventer_aco_close(eventer_aco_t e)
  • e an event object
  • RETURN 0 on sucess or -1 with errno set.


Dereferences the event specified.

eventer_aco_free(eventer_aco_t e)
  • e the event to dereference.


Create a new asynchronous gate.



Wait for any asynchronous work on this gate to finish.

eventer_aco_gate_wait(eventer_aco_gate_t gate)
  • gate an asynchronous gate


Retrieve an event's closure.

void *
eventer_aco_get_closure(eventer_aco_t e)
  • e an event object
  • RETURN The previous closure set.


Execute an opset-appropriate read call.

eventer_aco_read(eventer_aco_t e, void *buff, size_t len, struct timeval *timeout)
  • e an event object
  • buff a buffer in which to place read data.
  • len the size of buff in bytes.
  • timeout if not NULL, the time after which we fail -1, ETIME
  • RETURN the number of bytes read or -1 with errno set.


Add an asynchronous event dependent on the current job and wait until completion.

eventer_aco_run_asynch(eventer_t e)
  • e an event object
  • RETURN mtev_false if over max backlog, caller must clean event.

This adds the e event to the default job queue. e must have a mask of EVENTER_ASYNCH. This should be called from within a asynch callback during a mask of EVENTER_ASYNCH_WORK and the new job will be a child of the currently executing job.


Add an asynchronous event dependent on the current job and signal gate on completion.

eventer_aco_run_asynch_gated(eventer_aco_gate_t gate, eventer_t e)
  • gate a gate
  • e an event object
  • RETURN mtev_false if over max backlog, caller must clean event.

This adds the e event to the default job queue. e must have a mask of EVENTER_ASYNCH. This should be called from within a asynch callback during a mask of EVENTER_ASYNCH_WORK and the new job will be a child of the currently executing job.


Add an asynchronous event to a specific job queue dependent on the current job and wait until completion.

eventer_aco_run_asynch_queue(eventer_jobq_t *q, eventer_t e)
  • q a job queue
  • e an event object
  • RETURN mtev_false if over max backlog, caller must clean event.

This adds the e event to the job queue q. e must have a mask of EVENTER_ASYNCH. This should be called from within a asynch callback during a mask of EVENTER_ASYNCH_WORK and the new job will be a child of the currently executing job.


Add an asynchronous event to a specific job queue dependent on the current job and signal gate on completion.

eventer_aco_run_asynch_queue_gated(eventer_aco_gate_t gate, eventer_jobq_t *q, eventer_t e)
  • gate a gate
  • q a job queue
  • e an event object
  • RETURN mtev_false if over max backlog, caller must clean event.

This adds the e event to the job queue q. e must have a mask of EVENTER_ASYNCH. This should be called from within a asynch callback during a mask of EVENTER_ASYNCH_WORK and the new job will be a child of the currently executing job.


Add an asynchronous event to a specific job queue dependent on the current job and wait until completion.

eventer_aco_run_asynch_queue_subqueue(eventer_jobq_t *q, eventer_t e, uint64_t id)
  • q a job queue
  • e an event object
  • id is a fairly competing subqueue identifier
  • RETURN mtev_false if over max backlog, caller must clean event.

This adds the e event to the job queue q. e must have a mask of EVENTER_ASYNCH. This should be called from within a asynch callback during a mask of EVENTER_ASYNCH_WORK and the new job will be a child of the currently executing job.


Add an asynchronous event to a specific job queue dependent on the current job and signal gate on completion.

eventer_aco_run_asynch_queue_subqueue_gated(eventer_aco_gate_t gate, eventer_jobq_t *q, eventer_t e, uint64_t id)
  • gate a gate
  • q a job queue
  • e an event object
  • id is a fairly competing subqueue identifier
  • RETURN mtev_false if over max backlog, caller must clean event.

This adds the e event to the job queue q. e must have a mask of EVENTER_ASYNCH. This should be called from within a asynch callback during a mask of EVENTER_ASYNCH_WORK and the new job will be a child of the currently executing job.


Change the default timeout for ACO events.

eventer_aco_set_accept_timeout(eventer_aco_t e, struct timeval *duration)
  • e the ACO event to update.
  • duration a timeout duration, NULL will undo the default.


Set an event's closure.

eventer_aco_set_closure(eventer_aco_t e, void *closure)
  • e an event object
  • closure a pointer to user-data to be supplied during callback.


Change the default timeout for ACO events.

eventer_aco_set_read_timeout(eventer_aco_t e, struct timeval *duration)
  • e the ACO event to update.
  • duration a timeout duration, NULL will undo the default.


Change the default timeout for ACO events.

eventer_aco_set_write_timeout(eventer_aco_t e, struct timeval *duration)
  • e the ACO event to update.
  • duration a timeout duration, NULL will undo the default.


Asynchronously execute a function.

eventer_aco_simple_asynch(eventer_asynch_simple_func_t func, void *closure)
  • func the function to execute.
  • closure the closure for the function.


Asynchronously execute a function.

eventer_aco_simple_asynch_gated(eventer_aco_gate_t gate, eventer_asynch_simple_func_t func, void *closure)
  • gate a gate to notify on completion.
  • func the function to execute.
  • closure the closure for the function.


Asynchronously execute a function.

eventer_aco_simple_asynch_queue(eventer_asynch_simple_func_t func, void *closure, eventer_jobq_t *q)
  • func the function to execute.
  • closure the closure for the function.
  • q the jobq on which to schedule the work.


Asynchronously execute a function.

eventer_aco_simple_asynch_queue_gated(eventer_aco_gate_t gate, eventer_asynch_simple_func_t func, void *closure
                                      eventer_jobq_t *q)
  • gate a gate to notify on completion.
  • func the function to execute.
  • closure the closure for the function.
  • q the jobq on which to schedule the work.


Asynchronously execute a function.

eventer_aco_simple_asynch_queue_subqueue(eventer_asynch_simple_func_t func, void *closure, eventer_jobq_t *q
                                         uint64_t id)
  • func the function to execute.
  • closure the closure for the function.
  • q the jobq on which to schedule the work.
  • id the subqueue within the jobq.


Asynchronously execute a function.

eventer_aco_simple_asynch_queue_subqueue_gated(eventer_aco_gate_t gate, eventer_asynch_simple_func_t func, void *closure,
                                               eventer_jobq_t *q, uint64_t id)
  • gate a gate to notify on completion.
  • func the function to execute.
  • closure the closure for the function.
  • q the jobq on which to schedule the work.
  • id the subqueue within the jobq.


Execute a sleep within an aco context.

eventer_aco_sleep(struct timeval *duration)
  • duration the time to suspend.


Start a new aco coroutine to be eventer driven.

eventer_aco_start(void (*func)(void), void *closure)
  • func The function to start.
  • closure The closure to set (available within func via eventer_aco_arg())


Start a new aco coroutine to be eventer driven.

eventer_aco_start_stack(void (*func)(void), void *closure, size_t stksz)
  • func The function to start.
  • closure The closure to set (available within func via eventer_aco_arg())
  • stksz A specified maximum stack size other than the default 32k.


Add an asynchronous event to a specific job queue dependent on the current job and wait until completion.

eventer_aco_try_run_asynch_queue_subqueue(eventer_jobq_t *q, eventer_t e, uint64_t id)
  • q a job queue
  • e an event object
  • id is a fairly competing subqueue identifier
  • RETURN mtev_false if over max backlog, caller must clean event.

This adds the e event to the job queue q. e must have a mask of EVENTER_ASYNCH. This should be called from within a asynch callback during a mask of EVENTER_ASYNCH_WORK and the new job will be a child of the currently executing job.


Execute an opset-appropriate write call.

eventer_aco_write(eventer_aco_t e, const void *buff, size_t len, struct timeval *timeout)
  • e an event object
  • buff a buffer containing data to write.
  • len the size of buff in bytes.
  • timeout if not NULL, the time after which we fail -1, ETIME
  • RETURN the number of bytes written or -1 with errno set.


Add an event object to the eventer system.

eventer_add(eventer_t e)
  • e an event object to add.


Add an asynchronous event to a specific job queue.

eventer_add_asynch(eventer_jobq_t *q, eventer_t e)
  • q a job queue
  • e an event object

This adds the e event to the job queue q. e must have a mask of EVENTER_ASYNCH.


Add an asynchronous event to a specific job queue dependent on the current job.

eventer_add_asynch_dep(eventer_jobq_t *q, eventer_t e)
  • q a job queue
  • e an event object

This adds the e event to the job queue q. e must have a mask of EVENTER_ASYNCH. This should be called from within a asynch callback during a mask of EVENTER_ASYNCH_WORK and the new job will be a child of the currently executing job.


Add an asynchronous event to a specific job queue dependent on the current job.

eventer_add_asynch_dep_subqueue(eventer_jobq_t *q, eventer_t e, uint64_t id)
  • q a job queue
  • e an event object
  • id is a fairly competing subqueue identifier

This adds the e event to the job queue q. e must have a mask of EVENTER_ASYNCH. This should be called from within a asynch callback during a mask of EVENTER_ASYNCH_WORK and the new job will be a child of the currently executing job.


Add an asynchronous event to a specific job queue.

eventer_add_asynch_subqueue(eventer_jobq_t *q, eventer_t e, uint64_t id)
  • q a job queue
  • e an event object
  • id is a fairly competing subqueue identifier

This adds the e event to the job queue q. e must have a mask of EVENTER_ASYNCH.


Convenience function to schedule a callback at a specific time.

eventer_add_at(eventer_func_t func, void *closure, struct timeval whence)
  • func the callback function to run.
  • closure the closure to be passed to the callback.
  • whence the time at which to run the callback.
  • RETURN N/A (C Macro).


Convenience function to create an event to run a callback in the future

eventer_add_in(eventer_func_t func, void *closure, struct timeval diff)
  • func the callback function to run.
  • closure the closure to be passed to the callback.
  • diff the amount of time to wait before running the callback.
  • RETURN N/A (C Macro).


Convenience function to create an event to run a callback in the future

eventer_add_in_s_us(eventer_func_t func, void *closure, unsigned long seconds
                    unsigned long microseconds)
  • func the callback function to run.
  • closure the closure to be passed to the callback.
  • seconds the number of seconds to wait before running the callback.
  • microseconds the number of microseconds (in addition to seconds) to wait before running the callback.
  • RETURN N/A (C Macro).


Add an event to run during every loop cycle.

eventer_add_recurrent(eventer_t e)
  • e an event object

e must have a mask of EVENERRECURRENT. This event will be invoked on a single thread (dictated by e) once for each pass through the eventer loop. This happens _often, so do light work.


Add a timed event to the eventer system.

eventer_add_timed(eventer_t e)
  • e an event object

This adds the e event to the eventer. e must have a mask of EVENTER_TIMED.


Convenience function to schedule a callback to run in a specific event-loop thread.

eventer_add_timer_next_opportunity(eventer_func_t func, void *closure, pthread_t owner)
  • func the callback function to run.
  • closure the closure to be passed to the callback.
  • owner the event-loop thread in which to run the callback.
  • RETURN N/A (C Macro).


Allocate an event to be injected into the eventer system.

  • RETURN A newly allocated event.

The allocated event has a refernce count of 1 and is attached to the calling thread.


Allocate an event to be injected into the eventer system.

eventer_alloc_asynch(eventer_func_t func, void *closure)
  • func The callback function.
  • closure The closure for the callback function.
  • RETURN A newly allocated asynch event.

The allocated event has a refernce count of 1 and is attached to the calling thread.


Allocate an event to be injected into the eventer system.

eventer_alloc_asynch_timeout(eventer_func_t func, void *closure, struct timeval *deadline)
  • func The callback function.
  • closure The closure for the callback function.
  • deadline an absolute time by which the task must be completed.
  • RETURN A newly allocated asynch event.

The allocated event has a refernce count of 1 and is attached to the calling thread. Depending on the timeout method, there are not hard guarantees on enforcing the deadline; this is more of a guideline for the schedule and the job could be aborted (where the EVENTER_ASYNCH_WORK phase is not finished or even started, but the EVENTER_ASYNCH_CLEANUP will be called).


Allocate an event copied from another to be injected into the eventer system.

eventer_alloc_copy(eventer_t src)
  • src a source eventer_t to copy.
  • RETURN A newly allocated event that is a copy of src.

The allocated event has a refernce count of 1.


Allocate an event to be injected into the eventer system.

eventer_alloc_fd(eventer_func_t func, void *closure, int fd, int mask)
  • func The callback function.
  • closure The closure for the callback function.
  • fd The file descriptor.
  • mask The mask of activity of interest.
  • RETURN A newly allocated fd event.

The allocated event has a refernce count of 1 and is attached to the calling thread.


Allocate an event to be injected into the eventer system.

eventer_alloc_recurrent(eventer_func_t func, void *closure)
  • func The callback function.
  • closure The closure for the callback function.
  • RETURN A newly allocated recurrent event.

The allocated event has a refernce count of 1 and is attached to the calling thread.


Allocate an event to be injected into the eventer system.

eventer_alloc_timer(eventer_func_t func, void *closure, struct timeval *whence)
  • func The callback function.
  • closure The closure for the callback function.
  • whence The time at which the event should fire.
  • RETURN A newly allocated timer event.

The allocated event has a refernce count of 1 and is attached to the calling thread.


Convenience function to create an event to run a callback on a specific thread.

eventer_alloc_timer_next_opportunity(eventer_func_t func, void *closure, pthread_t owner)
  • func the callback function to run.
  • closure the closure to be passed to the callback.
  • owner the event-loop thread on which to run the callback.
  • RETURN an event that has not been added to the eventer.

Note this does not actually schedule the event. See eventer_add_timer_next_opportunity.


  • RETURN the number of currently allocated eventer objects.


  • RETURN the number of allocated eventer objects over the life of the process.


Convenience function to create an event to run a callback at a specific time.

eventer_at(eventer_func_t func, void *closure, struct timeval whence)
  • func the callback function to run.
  • closure the closure to be passed to the callback.
  • whence the time at which to run the callback.
  • RETURN an event that has not been added to the eventer.

Note this does not actually schedule the event. See eventer_add_at.


Directly invoke an event's callback.

eventer_callback(eventer_t e, int mask, void *closure, struct timeval *now)
  • e an event object
  • mask the mask that callback should be acting upon (see eventer_get_mask)
  • closure the closure on which the callback should act
  • now the time the callback should see as "now".
  • RETURN The return value of the callback function as invoked.

This does not call the callback in the contexts of the eventloop. This means that should the callback return a mask, the event-loop will not interpret it and change state appropriately. The caller must respond appropriately to any return values.


Find an event callback function that has been registered by name.

eventer_callback_for_name(const char *name)
  • name the name of the callback.
  • RETURN the function pointer or NULL if no such callback has been registered.


Get the milliseconds since epoch of the current callback invocation.

  • RETURN milliseconds since epoch of callback invocation, or current time.


Get the microseconds since epoch of the current callback invocation.

  • RETURN microseconds since epoch of callback invocation, or current time.


Find a thread in the default eventer pool.

eventer_choose_owner(int n)
  • n an integer.
  • RETURN a pthread_t of an eventer loop thread in the default eventer pool.

This return the first thread when 0 is passed as an argument. All non-zero arguments are spread across the remaining threads (if existent) as n modulo one less than the concurrency of the default event pool.

This is done because many systems aren't thread safe and can only schedule their work on a single thread (thread 1). By spreading all thread-safe workloads across the remaining threads we reduce potential overloading of the "main" thread.

To assign an event to a thread, use the result of this function to assign: e->thr_owner.


Find a thread in a specific eventer pool.

eventer_choose_owner_pool(eventer_pool_t *pool, int n)
  • pool an eventer pool.
  • n an integer.
  • RETURN a pthread_t of an eventer loop thread in the specified evneter pool.

This function chooses a thread within the specified pool by taking n modulo the concurrency of the pool. If the default pool is speicified, special assignment behavior applies. See eventer_choose_owner.

To assign an event to a thread, use the result of this function to assign: e->thr_owner.


Execute an opset-appropriate close call.

eventer_close(eventer_t e, int *mask)
  • e an event object
  • mask a point the a mask. If the call does not complete, *mask it set.
  • RETURN 0 on sucess or -1 with errno set.

If the function returns -1 and errno is EAGAIN, the *mask reflects the necessary activity to make progress.


See eventer_free.

eventer_deref(eventer_t e)
  • e the event to dereference.
  • RETURN mtev_true if the event was freed.


Retrieve the accept function from an fd opset.

eventer_fd_opset_get_accept(eventer_fd_opset_t opset)
  • opset an opset (see eventer_get_fd_opset)
  • RETURN An eventer_fd_accept_t function


Retrieve the close function from an fd opset.

eventer_fd_opset_get_close(eventer_fd_opset_t opset)
  • opset an opset (see eventer_get_fd_opset)
  • RETURN An eventer_fd_close_t function


Retrieve the read function from an fd opset.

eventer_fd_opset_get_read(eventer_fd_opset_t opset)
  • opset an opset (see eventer_get_fd_opset)
  • RETURN An eventer_fd_read_t function


Retrieve the write function from an fd opset.

eventer_fd_opset_get_write(eventer_fd_opset_t opset)
  • opset an opset (see eventer_get_fd_opset)
  • RETURN An eventer_fd_write_t function


Find an event object in the eventer system by file descriptor.

eventer_find_fd(int e)
  • fd a file descriptor
  • RETURN the event object if it exists; NULL if not found.


Run a user-provided function over all registered file descriptor events.

eventer_foreach_fdevent(void (*fn)(eventer_t, void *), void *closure)
  • fn a function to be called with each event and closure as its arguments.
  • closure the second argument to be passed to fn.


Run a user-provided function over all registered timed events.

eventer_foreach_timedevent(void (*fn)(eventer_t, void *), void *closure)
  • fn a function to be called with each event and closure as its arguments.
  • closure the second argument to be passed to fn.


Dereferences the event specified.

eventer_free(eventer_t e)
  • e the event to dereference.
  • RETURN mtev_true if the event was freed.


Retrieve the callback function for an event.

eventer_get_callback(eventer_t e)
  • e an event object
  • RETURN An eventer_func_t callback function.


Retrieve an event's closure.

void *
eventer_get_closure(eventer_t e)
  • e an event object
  • RETURN The previous closure set.


Get a context for an event.

eventer_get_context(eventer_t e, int ctx_idx)
  • e an event object
  • ctx_idx is an idx returned from eventer_register_context
  • RETURN The attached context.


Find the start time of the eventer loop.

eventer_get_epoch(struct timeval *epoch)
  • epoch a point to a struct timeval to fill out.
  • RETURN 0 on success; -1 on failure (eventer loop not started).


Retrieve the file descriptor for an fd-based event.

eventer_get_fd(eventer_t e)
  • e an event object
  • RETURN a file descriptor.


Retrieve the fd opset from an event.

eventer_get_fd_opset(eventer_t e)
  • e an event object
  • RETURN The currently active opset for a fd-based eventer_t.


Retrieve the mask for an event.

eventer_get_mask(eventer_t e)
  • e an event object
  • RETURN a mask of bitwise-or'd valued.

    • EVENTER_READ -- trigger/set when a file descriptor is readable.
    • EVENTER_WRITE -- trigger/set when a file descriptor is writeable.
    • EVENTER_EXCEPTION -- trigger/set problems with a file descriptor.
    • EVENTER_TIMER -- trigger/set at a specific time.
    • EVENTER_RECURRENT -- trigger/set on each pass through the event-loop.
    • EVENTER_ASYNCH_COMPLETE -- trigger from a non-event-loop thread, set upon completion.
    • EVENTER_ASYNCH_WORK -- set during asynchronous work.
    • EVENTER_ASYNCH_CLEANUP -- set during asynchronous cleanup.


Retrieve the thread that owns an event.

eventer_get_owner(eventer_t e)
  • e an event object
  • RETURN a pthread_t thread.


Determin which eventer pool owns a given event.

eventer_pool_t *
eventer_get_pool_for_event(eventer_t e)
  • e an event object.
  • RETURN the eventer_pool_t to which the event is scheduled.


Get the eventer_t (if any) of which we are currently in the callback.

  • RETURN An eventer_t or NULL.


Retrieve a human-friendly name for an eventer thread.

const char *
  • RETURN A thread name.


Retrieve the time at which a timer event will fire.

struct timeval
eventer_get_whence(eventer_t e)
  • e an event object
  • RETURN A absolute time.


Return the remaining time before the watchdog timeout on this thread.

eventer_heartbeat_deadline(struct timeval *now, struct timeval *delta)
  • now the current time (NULL means now)
  • delta the relative time remaining before a watchdog
  • RETURN mtev_true if the timeout was successfully calculated.


Set properties for the event loop.

eventer_impl_propset(const char *key, const char *value)
  • key the property
  • value the property's value.
  • RETURN 0 on success, -1 otherwise.

Sets propoerties within the eventer. That can only be called prior to eventer_init. See [Eventer configuuration)(../config/eventer.md) for valid properties.


Attempt to set the rlimit on allowable open files.

  • RETURN the limit of the number of open files.

The target is the rlim_nofiles eventer config option. If that configuration option is unspecified, 1048576 is used.


Convenience function to create an event to run a callback in the future

eventer_in(eventer_func_t func, void *closure, struct timeval diff)
  • func the callback function to run.
  • closure the closure to be passed to the callback.
  • diff the amount of time to wait before running the callback.
  • RETURN an event that has not been added to the eventer.

Note this does not actually schedule the event. See eventer_add_in.


Determine if the current thread is an event loop thread.

  • RETURN mtev_true if currently in an event loop thread, mtev_false otherwise.


Convenience function to create an event to run a callback in the future

eventer_in_s_us(eventer_func_t func, void *closure, unsigned long seconds
                unsigned long microseconds)
  • func the callback function to run.
  • closure the closure to be passed to the callback.
  • seconds the number of seconds to wait before running the callback.
  • microseconds the number of microseconds (in addition to seconds) to wait before running the callback.
  • RETURN an event that has not been added to the eventer.

Note this does not actually schedule the event. See eventer_add_in_s_us.


Initialize global structures required for eventer operation.


This function is called by mtev_main. Developers should not need to call this function directly.


Determine if an event is in ACO mode.

eventer_is_aco(eventer_t e)
  • e The eventer_t in question (NULL represent "current context")
  • RETURN True if in ACO mode, false otherwise.


Determine if a thread is participating in the eventer loop.

eventer_is_loop(pthread_t tid)
  • tid a thread
  • RETURN 0 if the specified thread lives outside the eventer loop; 1 otherwise.


Create a new jobq.

eventer_jobq_t *
eventer_jobq_create(const char *queue_name)
  • queue_name a name for the new jobq
  • RETURN a pointer to a new (or existing) jobq with that name. NULL on error.


Create a new jobq for use as a return queue.

eventer_jobq_t *
eventer_jobq_create_backq(const char *queue_name)
  • queue_name a name for the new jobq
  • RETURN a pointer to a new (or existing) jobq with that name. NULL on error.


Create a new jobq with the specified memory safety.

eventer_jobq_t *
eventer_jobq_create_ms(const char *queue_name, eventer_jobq_memory_safety_t safety)
  • queue_name a name for the new jobq
  • safety a specific mtev_memory safey level for epoch-based memory reclamation schemes.
  • RETURN a pointer to a new (or existing) jobq with that name. NULL on error.


Destory a jobq.

eventer_jobq_destroy(eventer_jobq_t *jobq)


Make a jobq unable to accept new jobs and drain all inflight jobs.

eventer_jobq_drain_and_shutdown(eventer_jobq_t *jobq)
  • jobq the joqs to drain and shut down


Reveal the currently executing job (visiable to a callee).

eventer_job_t *
  • RETURN the job that is currentlt running in the calling thread.


Wake up a jobq to see if there are pending events.

eventer_jobq_post(eventer_jobq_t *jobq)
  • jobq the jobq to post to.


Find a jobq by name.

eventer_jobq_t *
eventer_jobq_retrieve(const char *name)
  • name the name of a jobq
  • RETURN a jobq or NULL if no such jobq exists.


Set a jobq's concurrency level.

eventer_jobq_set_concurrency(eventer_jobq_t *jobq, uint32_t new_concurrency)
  • jobq the jobq to modify
  • new_concurrency the new number of desired threads


Set a jobq's minimum active thread count.

eventer_jobq_set_floor(eventer_jobq_t *jobq, uint32_t new_floor)
  • jobq the jobq to modify
  • new_floor the new number of minimum threads


Instruct the jobq system to process jobs in LIFO vs. FIFO ordering.

eventer_jobq_set_lifo(eventer_jobq_t *jobq, mtev_boolean nv)
  • jobq the jobq to modify
  • nv Use LIFO or FIFO ordering if true or false, respectively.


Set and advisory limit on the backlog a jobq will handle.

eventer_jobq_set_max_backlog(eventer_jobq_t *jobq, uint32_t max)
  • jobq the jobq to modify
  • max a maximum pending jobs count before eventer_try_add_asynch calls will fail.


Set the upper and lower bounds on desired concurrency for a jobq.

eventer_jobq_set_min_max(eventer_jobq_t *jobq, uint32_t min, uint32_t max)
  • jobq the jobq to modify
  • min a minimum number of threads to maintain
  • max a maximum number of threads to not exceed


Set a "shorter" name for a jobq to be used in terse displays.

eventer_jobq_set_shortname(eventer_jobq_t *jobq, const char *name)
  • jobq the jobq to modify
  • name a shorter name for a job (clipped to 13 characters)


Start the event loop.

  • RETURN N/A (does not return)

This function should be called as that last thing in your child_main function. See mtev_main.


Determine the concurrency of the default eventer loop.

  • RETURN number of threads used for the default eventer loop.


Start the event loop and return control to the caller.


This function should be called as that last thing in your child_main function. Be sure not to return or exit after calling this as it could terminate your program. See mtev_main.


Register a human/developer readable name for a eventer callback function.

eventer_name_callback(const char *name, eventer_func_t callback)
  • name the human readable name. You should select clear/unique names for clarity in debugging.
  • callback the function pointer of the eventer callback.
  • RETURN 0 on success.


Register a functional describer for a callback and it's event object.

eventer_name_callback_ext(const char *name, eventer_func_t callback, void (*fn)(char *buff, int bufflen,
                          eventer_t e, void *closure), void *closure)
  • name the human readable name. You should select clear/unique names for clarity in debugging.
  • callback the function pointer of the eventer callback.
  • fn function to call when describing the event. It should write a null terminated string into buff (no more than bufflen). If this is defined, it will override the "name" paramter when eventer_name_for_callback is called.
  • RETURN 0 on success.

This function allows more in-depth descriptions of events. When an event is displayed (over the console or REST endpoints), this function is called with the event in question and the closure specified at registration time.


Retrieve a human readable name for the provided callback with event context.

const char *
eventer_name_for_callback(evneter_func_t f, eventer_t e)
  • f a callback function.
  • e and event object
  • RETURN name of callback

The returned value may be a pointer to reusable thread-local storage. The value should be used before a subsequent call to this function. Aside from that caveat, it is thread-safe.


Find an eventer pool by name.

eventer_pool_t *
eventer_pool(const char *name)
  • name the name of an eventer pool.
  • RETURN an eventer_pool_t * by the given name, or NULL.


Retrieve the concurrency of an eventer pool.

eventer_pool_concurrency(eventer_pool_t *pool)
  • pool an eventer pool.
  • RETURN the number of threads powering the specified pool.


Retrieve the name of an eventer pool.

const char *
eventer_pool_name(eventer_pool_t *pool)
  • pool an eventer pool.
  • RETURN the name of the eventer pool.


Set a custom watchdog timeout for threads in an eventer pool.

eventer_pool_watchdog_timeout(eventer_pool_t *pool, double timeout)
  • pool an eventer pool
  • timeout the deadman timer in seconds.


Execute an opset-appropriate read call.

eventer_read(eventer_t e, void *buff, size_t len, int *mask)
  • e an event object
  • buff a buffer in which to place read data.
  • len the size of buff in bytes.
  • mask a point the a mask. If the call does not complete, *mask it set.
  • RETURN the number of bytes read or -1 with errno set.

If the function returns -1 and errno is EAGAIN, the *mask reflects the necessary activity to make progress.


Add a reference to an event.

eventer_ref(eventer_t e)
  • e the event to reference.

Adding a reference to an event will prevent it from being deallocated prematurely. This is classic reference counting. It is are that one needs to maintain an actual event past the point where the eventer system would normally free it. Typically, one will allocate a new event and copy the contents of the old event into it allowing the original to be freed.


Register an eventer carry context.

eventer_register_context(const char *name, eventer_context_opset_t *opset)
  • name a string naming the context class.
  • opset an opset for context maintenance
  • RETURN A ctx_idx, -1 on failure.


Remove an event object from the eventer system.

eventer_remove(eventer_t e)
  • e an event object to add.
  • RETURN the event object removed if found; NULL if not found.


Remove an event object from the eventer system by file descriptor.

eventer_remove_fd(int e)
  • fd a file descriptor
  • RETURN the event object removed if found; NULL if not found.


Removes an fd event from the eventloop based on filedescriptor alone.

eventer_remove_fde(eventer_t e)
  • e an event object
  • RETURN The event removed, NULL if no event was present.


Remove a recurrent event from the eventer.

eventer_remove_recurrent(eventer_t e)
  • e an event object.
  • RETURN The event removed (== e); NULL if not found.


Remove a timed event from the eventer.

eventer_remove_timed(eventer_t e)
  • e an event object (mask must be EVENTER_TIMED).
  • RETURN the event removed, NULL if not found.


Run a callback as the eventer would

eventer_run_callback(eventer_funt_t f, eventer_t e, int mask, void *closure, struct timeval *now
                     uint64_t *dur)
  • f The callback function (should always be eventer_get_callback(e))
  • e The event to execute
  • mask The mask observed.
  • closure The closure (should always be eventer_get_closure(e))
  • now The current time.
  • dur An option nanosecond timing to populate.
  • RETURN The mask that is desired from the callback.


Spawns a thread and runs the event until it returns 0.

eventer_run_in_thread(eventer_t e, int mask)
  • e an event object
  • a starting mask for triggering the event.

This function will remove the event from the eventer and set the socket into blocking mode.


Set an event's callback function.

eventer_set_callback(eventer_t e, eventer_func_t func)
  • e an event object


Set an event's closure.

eventer_set_closure(eventer_t e, void *closure)
  • e an event object
  • closure a pointer to user-data to be supplied during callback.


Set a context for an event.

void *
eventer_set_context(eventer_t e, int ctx_idx, void *data)
  • e an event object
  • ctx_idx is an idx returned from eventer_register_context
  • data is new context data.
  • RETURN The previously attached context.


Convert an eventer_t into an eventer_aco_t.

eventer_set_eventer_aco(eventer_t e)
  • e an event object
  • RETURN The converted event.

This calls eventer_set_eventer_aco_co with the current aco as the co argument.


Convert an eventer_t into an eventer_aco_t.

eventer_set_eventer_aco_co(eventer_t e, aco_t *co)
  • e an event object
  • co a coroutine to which the event should bound. NULL to revert.
  • RETURN The converted event.

The input event is modified in-place. If the NULL is passed as co, then the event is reverted and NULL is returned. You almost always want to be calling this on a brand-new object or a eventer_alloc_copy of a pre-existing object.


Set a file descriptor into blocking mode.

eventer_set_fd_blocking(int fd)
  • fd a file descriptor
  • RETURN 0 on success, -1 on error (errno set).


Set a file descriptor into non-blocking mode.

eventer_set_fd_nonblocking(int fd)
  • fd a file descriptor
  • RETURN 0 on success, -1 on error (errno set).


Change an event's interests or intentions.

eventer_set_mask(eventer_t e, int mask)
  • e an event object
  • mask a new mask

Do not change change a mask from one event "type" to another. fd events must remain fd events. Timer must remain timer. Recurrent must remain recurrent. Do not alter asynch events at all. This simply changes the mask of the event without changing any eventer state and should be used with extremem care. Consider using the callback's return value or eventer_update to change the mask of an active event in the system.


Set the thread that owns an event.

eventer_set_owner(eventer_t e, pthread_t t)
  • e an event object
  • t a pthread_t thread; must be a valid event-loop.


Determine if the calling thread "owns" an event.

eventer_thread_check(eventer_t e)
  • e an event object
  • RETURN 0 if e->thr_owner is the pthread_self(), non-zero otherwise.


Trigger an unregistered eventer and incorporate the outcome into the eventer.

eventer_trigger(eventer_t e, int mask)
  • e an event object that is not registered with the eventer.
  • mask the mask to be used when invoking the event's callback.

This is often used to "start back up" an event that has been removed from the eventer for any reason.


Add an asynchronous event to a specific job queue.

eventer_try_add_asynch(eventer_jobq_t *q, eventer_t e)
  • q a job queue
  • e an event object
  • RETURN mtev_false if over max backlog, caller must clean event.

This adds the e event to the job queue q. e must have a mask of EVENTER_ASYNCH.


Add an asynchronous event to a specific job queue dependent on the current job.

eventer_try_add_asynch_dep(eventer_jobq_t *q, eventer_t e)
  • q a job queue
  • e an event object
  • RETURN mtev_false if over max backlog, caller must clean event.

This adds the e event to the job queue q. e must have a mask of EVENTER_ASYNCH. This should be called from within a asynch callback during a mask of EVENTER_ASYNCH_WORK and the new job will be a child of the currently executing job.


Add an asynchronous event to a specific job queue dependent on the current job.

eventer_try_add_asynch_dep_subqueue(eventer_jobq_t *q, eventer_t e, uint64_t id)
  • q a job queue
  • e an event object
  • id is a fairly competing subqueue identifier
  • RETURN mtev_false if over max backlog, caller must clean event.

This adds the e event to the job queue q. e must have a mask of EVENTER_ASYNCH. This should be called from within a asynch callback during a mask of EVENTER_ASYNCH_WORK and the new job will be a child of the currently executing job.


Add an asynchronous event to a specific job queue.

eventer_try_add_asynch_subqueue(eventer_jobq_t *q, eventer_t e, uint64_t id)
  • q a job queue
  • e an event object
  • id is a fairly competing subqueue identifier
  • RETURN mtev_false if over max backlog, caller must clean event.

This adds the e event to the job queue q. e must have a mask of EVENTER_ASYNCH.


Change the activity mask for file descriptor events.

eventer_update(evneter_t e, int mask)
  • e an event object
  • mask a new mask that is some bitwise or of EVENTER_READ, EVENTER_WRITE, and EVENTER_EXCEPTION


Change the time at which a registered timer event should fire.

void void
eventer_update_whence(eventer_t e, struct timeval whence)
  • e an event object
  • whence an absolute time.


Signal up an event loop manually.

eventer_wakeup(eventer_t e)
  • e an event

The event e is used to determine which thread of the eventer loop to wake up. If e is NULL the first thread in the default eventer loop is signalled. The eventer loop can wake up on timed events, asynchronous job completions and file descriptor activity. If, for an external reason, one needs to wake up a looping thread, this call is used.


Return the current watchdog timeout on this thread.

  • RETURN A timeout in seconds, 0.0 if none configured.


Return the current watchdog timeout on this thread.

eventer_watchdog_timeout_timeval(struct timeval *dur)
  • dur the timeval structure to populate with the timeout.
  • RETURN mtev_true if a timeout is set, mtev_false otherwise.


Execute an opset-appropriate write call.

eventer_write(eventer_t e, const void *buff, size_t len, int *mask)
  • e an event object
  • buff a buffer containing data to write.
  • len the size of buff in bytes.
  • mask a point the a mask. If the call does not complete, *mask it set.
  • RETURN the number of bytes written or -1 with errno set.

If the function returns -1 and errno is EAGAIN, the *mask reflects the necessary activity to make progress.


Log to a log stream (metadata, va_list)

mtev_ex_log(mtev_log_stream_t ls, const struct timeval *now, const char *file, int line,
            const mtev_log_kv_t *kvpairs, const char *format, ...)
  • ls a log stream
  • now the current time
  • file a source file name
  • line a source file line number
  • kvpairs a list of key-value metadata
  • format a printf-style format string
  • arg a varargs list
  • RETURN The number of bytes written or an approximation

This function (used by the mtevL, mtevLT, mtevEL, mtevELT macros) is responsible for logging. A variery of metadata fields are created internally including timestamp, threadname, threadid, facility (log name), file, and line. These metadata fields are extended with those passed in as kvpairs. These KV pairs should be created with the MLKV, MLKV_NUM, MLKV_STR, MLKV_END macros. The message is formatted, filtering is applied and then the resulting payload is pushed through the directed acyclic graph of log streams. See mtevEL for examples.


Log to a log stream (metadata, va_list)

mtev_ex_vlog(mtev_log_stream_t ls, const struct timeval *now, const char *file, int line,
             const mtev_log_kv_t *kvpairs, const char *format, va_list arg)
  • ls a log stream
  • now the current time
  • file a source file name
  • line a source file line number
  • kvpairs a list of key-value metadata
  • format a printf-style format string
  • arg a varargs list
  • RETURN The number of bytes written or an approximation

See mtev_ex_log.



Acknowledge processing mtev_flow_regulator_toggle_t instruction.

mtev_flow_regulator_ack(mtev_flow_regulator_t *fr, mtev_flow_regulator_toggle_t t)
  • t Instruction returned from previous call to mtev_flow_regulator_raise_one, mtev_flow_regulator_lower, or mtev_flow_regulator_ack.
  • RETURN New flow-toggle instruction.

The flow-regulator is designed to be usable in multi-producer (where multiple concurrent entities may produce work) / multi-consumer (where multiple concurrent entities may mark work completed) scenarios, which means that many entities may be adding and removing work from the flow-regulator at the same time. As such, when one entity observes that the flow-regulator has become disabled and takes some action to pause further work generation, it's possible that enough work will have drained from the flow-regulator that it needs to be re-enabled... Or, that after re-enabling the flow-regulator, enough work was already being scheduled that it needs to be disabled again. So mtev_flow_regulator_ack returns a new instruction, in case the flow-regulator needs further adjustment. Clients are expected to call this function in a loop, with the function's previous return value, until the flow-regulator settles on MTEV_FLOW_REGULATOR_TOGGLE_KEEP or MTEV_FLOW_REGULATOR_TOGGLE_DISABLED. (There is no harm in continuing to call mtev_flow_regulator_ack after it reaches one of these values: it will eventually settle on MTEV_FLOW_REGULATOR_TOGGLE_KEEP.)

The toggle-instruction should be interpreted as follows:

  • MTEV_FLOW_REGULATOR_TOGGLE_DISABLED: Flow control is currently disabled. No client action necessary.
  • MTEV_FLOW_REGULATOR_TOGGLE_DISABLE: Flow control was enabled, and we've started transitioning to DISABLED. (The transition to DISABLED is not complete until the client calls mtev_flow_regulator_ack, again.) Client MAY try to prevent generating new work before calling mtev_flow_regulator_ack, again.
  • MTEV_FLOW_REGULATOR_TOGGLE_KEEP: No client action required.
  • MTEV_FLOW_REGULATOR_TOGGLE_ENABLE: Flow control was disabled, and has just started transitioning to ENABLED. (The transition to ENABLED is not complete until the client calls mtev_flow_regulator_ack, again.) Client MAY re-enable work-generation before calling mtev_flow_regulator_ack, again.

To facilitate multi-producer / multi-consumer use, the flow-regulator enforces that only one client will see a flow-toggling result (i.e. MTEV_FLOW_REGULATOR_TOGGLE_ENABLE or MTEV_FLOW_REGULATOR_TOGGLE_DISABLE) until that client calls mtev_flow_regulator_ack, and that the same toggling result will not occur twice in a row across all concurrent clients.


Create a flow-regulator object.

mtev_flow_regulator_t *
mtev_flow_regulator_create(unsigned int low, unsigned int high)
  • low Threshold that indicates when work flow should be re-enabled.
  • high Threshold at which to stop work flow. Must be strictly greater than low.
  • RETURN Flow-regulator object.

The returned flow-regulator object is "enabled" on creation. When high work items are added (by mtev_flow_regulator_raise_one) without being removed (by mtev_flow_regulator_lower), the flow-regulator will become disabled. When high - low work-items are subsequently marked done (by mtev_flow_regulator_lower), without new work being added (by mtev_flow_regulator_raise_one), the flow-regulator will transition back to "enabled".


Destroy a flow-regulator object.

mtev_flow_regulator_destroy(mtev_flow_regulator_t *fr)


Release space for work-items in a flow-regulator.

mtev_flow_regulator_lower(mtev_flow_regulator_t *fr, unsigned int by)
  • by Number of work-items to mark completed.
  • RETURN Action to take on releasing work.

See mtev_flow_regulator_ack for description of how to handle the return value. This function will return one of:



Reserve space for a work-item in a flow-regulator.

mtev_flow_regulator_raise_one(mtev_flow_regulator_t *fr)
  • RETURN Success / fail status on inserting work.

See mtev_flow_regulator_ack for description of how to handle the return value. This function will return one of:


Note that, unless the return value was MTEV_FLOW_REGULATOR_TOGGLE_KEEP, space was not reserved in the flow-regulator for the work-item.


mtev_flow_regulator_stable_lower(mtev_flow_regulator_t *fr, unsigned int by)
  • RETURN mtev_true if the caller is responsible for re-scheduling work-creation for the flow-regulator, mtev_false otherwise.

This function is a simple wrapper around mtev_flow_regulator_lower and mtev_flow_regulator_ack, to simplify handling in cases where the client needs take no explicit action to enable or disable work-production before calling mtev_flow_regulator_ack.


mtev_flow_regulator_stable_try_raise_one(mtev_flow_regulator_t *fr)
  • RETURN mtev_true if work-item was successfully added to the flow regulator, mtev_false otherwise.

This function is a simple wrapper around mtev_flow_regulator_raise_one and mtev_flow_regulator_ack, to simplify handling in cases where the client needs take no explicit action to enable or disable work-production before calling mtev_flow_regulator_ack.


Change the replacement probability on a mtev_frrh_t.

mtev_frrh_adjust_prob(mtev_frrh_t *cache, uint32_t prob)
  • cache the mtev_frrh_t on which to change the probability.
  • prob is the probability of replaement on collision (0 to UINT_MAX).


Allocate a fast random replacement hash.

mtev_frrh_t *
mtev_frrh_alloc(uint64_t size, size_t datasize, uint32_t prob, mtev_frrh_hash hashf,
                mtev_frrh_alloc_entry allocf, mtev_frrh_free_entry freef)
  • size is the total capacity of the hash.
  • datasize is the fixed-size of the data which will be stored.
  • prob is the probability of replaement on collision (0 to UINT_MAX).
  • hashf is the hashing function, NULL uses XXH64.
  • allocf is the allocation function to use, NULL uses malloc.
  • freef is the free function to use, NULL uses free.
  • RETURN a pointer to a mtev_frrh_t on success, NULL otherwise.


Retrieves the data associated with the provided key from the cache.

const void *
mtev_frrh_get(mtev_frrh_t *cache, const void *key, uint32_t keylen)
  • cache a mtev_frrh_t.
  • key a pointer to the key.
  • keylen the length of the key in bytes.
  • RETURN a pointer to a copy of the data store with the key.


Possibly set a key-value pair in a mtev_frrh_t

mtev_frrh_set(mtev_frrh_t *cache, const void *key, uint32_t keylen, const void *data)
  • cache a mtev_frrh_t.
  • key a pointer to the key.
  • keylen the length of the key in bytes.
  • data a pointer to the data (must be of the specified datasize for the mtev_frrh_t.
  • RETURN mtev_true if added, mtev_false if not.


mtev_frrh_set_prob_function(mtev_frrh_t *cache, mtev_boolean (*func)(uint32_t prob, const char *key,
                            uint32_t keylen, const void *data))


Set a probability tester.

    • cache the mtev_frrh_t on which to change the probability tester.
    • func a function taking the configured probability and existing key/data return true if it should be replaced.


Retrieve access and hit statatistics.

mtev_frrh_stats(mtev_frrh_t *cache, uint64_t *accesses, uint64_t *hits)
  • cache the mtev_frrh_t in question.
  • accesses is an optional out pointer to store the number of accesses.
  • hits is an optional out pointer to store the number of hits.



Return suffixes for millisecond-resolution durations.

const mtev_duration_definition_t *

Return value is suitable to pass as the second argument to mtev_confstr_parse_duration. Millisecond-scale duration suffixes are:

  • ms (for milliseconds);
  • s and sec (for seconds);
  • min (for minutes);
  • hr (for hours).
  • d (for days).
  • w (for weeks).


Return suffixes for nanosecond-resolution durations.

const mtev_duration_definition_t *

Return value is suitable to pass as the second argument to mtev_confstr_parse_duration. Nanosecond-scale duration suffixes are:

  • ns (for nanoseconds);
  • us (for microseconds);
  • ms (for milliseconds);
  • s and sec (for seconds);
  • min (for minutes);
  • hr (for hours).


Return suffixes for second-resolution durations.

const mtev_duration_definition_t *

Return value is suitable to pass as the second argument to mtev_confstr_parse_duration. Second-scale duration suffixes are:

  • s and sec (for seconds);
  • min (for minutes);
  • hr (for hours).
  • d (for days).
  • w (for weeks).


Return suffixes for microsecond-resolution durations.

const mtev_duration_definition_t *

Return value is suitable to pass as the second argument to mtev_confstr_parse_duration. Microsecond-scale duration suffixes are:

  • us (for microseconds);
  • ms (for milliseconds);
  • s and sec (for seconds);
  • min (for minutes);
  • hr (for hours).
  • d (for days).


Like mtev_gethrtime. It actually is the implementation of mtev_gethrtime()

  • RETURN number of nanos seconds from an arbitrary time in the past.


find the local IPv4 address that would be used to talk to remote

mtev_getip_ipv4(struct in_addr remote, struct in_addr *local)
  • remote the destination (no packets are sent)
  • local the pointer to the local address to be set
  • RETURN 0 on success, -1 on failure


Maybe fast-pathed version of gettimeofday

mtev_gettimeofday(struct timeval *t, void **ttp)
  • RETURN same as system gettimeofday();

    If the fast path is taken, ttp is ignored.



mtev_hash__hash(const void *k, uint32_t length, uint32_t initval)

the internal hash function that mtev_hash_table uses exposed for external usage


mtev_hash_adv(mtev_hash_table *h, mtev_hash_iter *iter)

iterate through key/values in the hash_table

This is an iterator and requires the hash to not be written to during the iteration process. To use: mtev_hash_iter iter = MTEV_HASH_ITER_ZERO;

while(mtev_hash_adv(h, &iter)) { .... use iter.key.{str,ptr}, iter.klen and iter.value.{str,ptr} .... }


mtev_hash_adv_spmc(mtev_hash_table *h, mtev_hash_iter *iter)

iterate through the key/values in the hash_table

This is an iterator and requires that if the hash it written to during the iteration process, you must employ SMR on the hash itself to prevent destruction of memory for hash resizes by using the special init function mtev_hash_init_mtev_memory.

To use: mtev_hash_iter iter = MTEV_HASH_ITER_ZERO;

while(mtev_hash_adv_spmc(h, &iter)) { .... use iter.key.{str,ptr}, iter.klen and iter.value.{str,ptr} .... }


mtev_hash_delete(mtev_hash_table *h, const void *k, int klen, NoitHashFreeFunc keyfree
                 NoitHashFreeFunc datafree)

remove the key/value stored at "k" and call keyfree and datafree if they are provided


mtev_hash_delete_all(mtev_hash_table *h, NoitHashFreeFunc keyfree, NoitHashFreeFunc datafree)

remove all keys and values and call keyfree and datafree if they are provided


mtev_hash_destroy(mtev_hash_table *h, NoitHashFreeFunc keyfree, NoitHashFreeFunc datafree)

remove all keys and values and call keyfree and datafree if they are provided but also wipe out the underlying map

This must be called on any hash_table that has been mtev_hash_inited or it will leak memory


void *
mtev_hash_get(mtev_hash_table *h, const void *k, int klen)

return the value at "k


mtev_hash_init(mtev_hash_table *h)

initialize a hash_table

will default to LOCK_MODE_NONE and MTEV_HASH_DEFAULT_SIZE (1<<7)


mtev_hash_init_locks(mtev_hash_table *h, int size, mtev_hash_lock_mode_t lock_mode)

choose the lock mode when initing the hash.

It's worth noting that the lock only affects the write side of the hash, the read side remains completely lock free.


mtev_hash_init_mtev_memory(mtev_hash_table *h, int size, mtev_hash_lock_mode_t lock_mode)

choose the lock mode when initing the hash.

It's worth noting that the lock only affects the write side of the hash, the read side remains completely lock free.

This variant will use mtev_memory ck allocator functions to allow this hash to participate in SMR via mtev_memory transactions. You need to wrap memory transactions in mtev_memory_begin()/mtev_memory_end()


mtev_hash_init_size(mtev_hash_table *h, int size)

initialize a hash_table with an initial size

will default to LOCK_MODE_NONE


mtev_hash_merge_as_dict(mtev_hash_table *dst, mtev_hash_table *src)

merge string values in "src" into "dst"

This is a convenience function only. It assumes that all keys and values in the destination hash are strings and allocated with malloc() and assumes that the source contains only keys and values that can be suitably duplicated by strdup().


mtev_hash_next(mtev_hash_table *h, mtev_hash_iter *iter, const char **k, int *klen
               void **data)

iterate through the key/values in the hash_table

These are older, more painful APIs... use mtev_hash_adv Note that neither of these sets the key, value, or klen in iter


mtev_hash_next_str(mtev_hash_table *h, mtev_hash_iter *iter, const char **k, int *klen
                   const char **dstr)

iterate through the key/values in the hash_table as strings

These are older, more painful APIs... use mtev_hash_adv


mtev_hash_replace(mtev_hash_table *h, const void *k, int klen, const void *data,
                  NoitHashFreeFunc keyfree, NoitHashFreeFunc datafree)

replace and delete (call keyfree and datafree functions) anything that was already in this hash location


mtev_hash_retr_str(mtev_hash_table *h, const void *k, int klen, const char **dstr)

fetch the value at "k" into "data" as a string


mtev_hash_retrieve(mtev_hash_table *h, const void *k, int klen, void **data)

fetch the value at "k" into "data"


mtev_hash_set(mtev_hash_table *h, const void *k, int klen, const void *data, char **oldkey
              void **olddata)

replace and return the old value and old key that was in this hash location

will return MTEV_HASH_SUCCESS on successful set with no replacement will return MTEV_HASH_FAILURE on failure to set will return MTEV_HASH_SUCCESS_REPLACEMENT on successful set with replacement


mtev_hash_size(mtev_hash_table *h)

return the number of entries in the hash_table


mtev_hash_store(mtev_hash_table *h, const void *k, int klen, const void *data)

put something in the hash_table

This will fail if the key already exists in the hash_table

NOTE! "k" and "data" MUST NOT be transient buffers, as the hash table implementation does not duplicate them. You provide a pair of NoitHashFreeFunc functions to free up their storage when you call mtev_hash_delete(), mtev_hash_delete_all() or mtev_hash_destroy().


Encode raw data as html encoded output into the provided buffer.

mtev_html_encode(const char *src, size_t src_len, char *dest, size_t dest_len)
  • src The buffer containing the raw data.
  • src_len The size (in bytes) of the raw data.
  • dest The destination buffer to which the function will produce.
  • dest_len The size of the destination buffer.
  • RETURN The size of the encoded output. Returns zero is out_sz is too small.


Calculate how large a buffer must be to contain the url encoding for a given number of bytes.

mtev_html_encode_len(size_t src_len)
  • src_len The size (in bytes) of the raw data buffer that might be encoded.
  • RETURN The size of the buffer that would be needed to store an encoded version of an input string.


mtev_huge_hash_adv(mtev_huge_hash_iter_t *iter)

iterate through key/values in the hash_table

To use: mtev_huge_hash_iter_t *iter = mtev_huge_hash_create_iter(hh);

while(mtev_huge_hash_adv(iter)) { size_t key_len, data_len; void k = mtev_huge_hash_iter_key(iter, &key_len); void d = mtev_huge_hash_iter_value(iter, &data_len); }


mtev_huge_hash_t *
mtev_huge_hash_create(const char *path)

create or open a huge_hash

Failure to open or create will return NULL and errno will be set appropriately. See: mtev_huge_hash_strerror()

\fn mtev_huge_hash_iter_t mtev_huge_hash_create_iter(mtev_huge_hash_t hh);

create an iterator for walking the huge_hash

Note that the existence of an interator can prevent calls to mtev_huge_hash_store from completing if the underlying data has to resize. Iterate with caution.


mtev_huge_hash_delete(mtev_huge_hash_t *hh, const void *k, size_t klen)

remove the key/value stored at "k"


mtev_huge_hash_replace(mtev_huge_hash_t *hh, const void *k, size_t klen, const void *data
                       size_t dlen)

replace anything that was already in this hash location


const void *
mtev_huge_hash_retrieve(mtev_huge_hash_t *hh, const void *k, size_t klen, size_t *data_len)

return the value at "k" and fill data_len with sizeof the data

The memory returned here is owned by the huge_hash. Do not modify


mtev_huge_hash_size(mtev_huge_hash_t *hh)

return the number of entries in the huge_hash


mtev_huge_hash_store(mtev_huge_hash_t *hh, const void *k, size_t klen, const void *data
                     size_t dlen)

put something in the huge_hash

This will fail if the key already exists in the hash_table Copies are made of k and data

Returns mtev_true on success



Like mtev_intern_pool invoked with MTEV_INTERN_DEFAULT_POOL.

mtev_intern(const void *buff, size_t len)
  • buff The data to be interned.
  • len The length of data to be considered (0, 2^23)
  • RETURN A new, or pre-existing intern from the default pool.


Return a reference to an existing mtev_intern_t.

mtev_intern_copy(const mtev_intern_t iv)
  • iv An existing, valid mtev_intern_t
  • RETURN A reference to the interned data.

The copy must be released just as if you created it via mtev_intern_pool.


Retrieve the string from an mtev_intern_t type.

const char *
mtev_intern_get_cstr(const mtev_intern_t iv, size_t *len)
  • iv The interned data.
  • len An out value for the length of the string. Unused if NULL.
  • RETURN The string contained in the interned value.

The return value is only valid until mtev_intern_release* is called.


Retrieve the data from an mtev_intern_t type.

const void *
mtev_intern_get_ptr(const mtev_intern_t iv, size_t *len)
  • iv The interned data.
  • len An out value for the length of the string. Unused if NULL.
  • RETURN The memory contained in the interned value.

The return value is only valid until mtev_intern_release* is called.


Retrieve the current refcnt for an intern item.

mtev_intern_get_refcnt(mtev_intern_t iv)
  • iv The interned value.
  • RETURN The number of references currently outstanding.


Request an interned data item with specific contents.

mtev_intern_pool(mtev_intern_pool_t *pool, const void *buff, size_t len)
  • pool The pool in which to intern the data.
  • buff The data to be interned.
  • len The length of data to be considered (0, 2^23)
  • RETURN A new, or pre-existing intern from the pool.

This function will attempt to find the specified data in the pool, but create it on absence. The reference count of the interned object returned will be increased and it must be released using mtev_intern_release_pool.


Return an existing pool by id.

mtev_intern_pool_t *
mtev_intern_pool_by_id(uint8_t id)
  • id the pool id.
  • RETURN A new intern pool.


Attempt a compaction of an intern pool.

mtev_intern_pool_compact(mtev_intern_pool_t *pool, mtev_boolean force)
  • pool The pool to compact.
  • force A boolean dictating if compaction should be forced.
  • RETURN The number of free fragment merges that occurred, -1 if it will be performed asynch.

This function will walk all the free fragment lists within the pool joining adjacent ones and promoting them into the the right slabs. If force is false, compaction will be avoided if there are less than approximately 1.5x fragments as there were after the previous successful compaction. If this is called from an eventer thread (not a jobq), it will be scheduled to be done in the default jobq (work deferred) and will return -1 instead of a measurement of compaction. If force is specified, it will be done synchronously regardless of callsite location.


Return the number of unique interned items in a pool.

mtev_intern_pool_item_count(mtev_intern_pool_t *pool)
  • pool The pool to analyze.
  • RETURN The number of unique interned items.


Create a new intern pool.

mtev_intern_pool_t *
mtev_intern_pool_new(mtev_intern_pool_attr_t *attr)
  • attr the attributes describing the pool.
  • RETURN A new intern pool.


Return statistics for an intern pool.

mtev_intern_pool_stats(mtev_intern_pool_t *pool, mtev_intern_pool_stats_t *stats)
  • pool The pool to inspect.
  • stats The statistics structure to fill out.


Request an interned string item with specific contents.

mtev_intern_pool_str(mtev_intern_pool_t *pool, const char *buff, size_t len)
  • pool The pool in which to intern the string.
  • buff The string to be interned.
  • len The length of buff. len must be less than 2^23-1. If 0, strlen will be invoked.
  • RETURN A new, or pre-existing intern from the pool.

This function will attempt to find the specified string in the pool, but create it on absence. The reference count of the interned string returned will be increased and it must be released using mtev_intern_release_pool.


Release interned data back to the pool from which it was allocated.

mtev_intern_release(mtev_intern_t iv)
  • iv The interned value to release.


Release interned data back to a pool.

mtev_intern_release_pool(mtev_intern_pool_t *pool, mtev_intern_t iv)
  • pool The pool to release iv to.
  • iv The interned value to release.

Interned values must be released to the pool they were retrieved from. Attempting to release to a different pool will cause a crash.


Like mtev_intern_pool invoked with MTEV_INTERN_DEFAULT_POOL.

mtev_intern_str(const char *buff, size_t len)
  • buff The string to be interned.
  • len The length of string. len must be less than 2^23-1. If 0, strlen will be invoked.
  • RETURN A new, or pre-existing intern from the default pool.



mtev_lfu_create(int32_t max_entries, void (*free_fn)(void *))

Create an LFU of max_entries size

Will call free_fn when an item is evicted. if free_fn is null, call free(). If max_entries == -1 then this devolves to a normal hashtable.


mtev_lfu_destroy(mtev_lfu_t *)

Destroy the LFU


mtev_lfu_get(mtev_lfu_t *lfu, const char *key, size_t key_len, void **value)

Get an item from the LFU by key

This will fetch the item at "key" and put the value in "value". It will also return a token as the return value of the function. This token is used as the checkout of the item from the LFU. When you are finished using the value, you must call "mtev_lfu_release(mtev_lfu_t *lfu, mtev_lfu_entry_token token)" to let the LFU know that reclamation for that key/value is possible.


mtev_lfu_invalidate(mtev_lfu_t *)

Remove all entries from the LFU


mtev_lfu_iterate(mtev_lfu_t *lfu, void (*callback)(mtev_lfu_t *lfu, const char *key,
                 size_t key_len, void *value, void *closure), void *closure)

Iterate through all entries in the LFU

* `lfu` The LFU to iterate
* `callback` This function is called for each item in the LFU
* `closure` The pointer to pass as the last param to the callback

This leaves the LFU locked during iteration which will starve out other operations. Keep this in mind if you are storing a lot of stuff in the LFU and have multithreaded access to it.

The "key" and "value" passed to the callback function is direct LFU memory and should not be freed.


mtev_lfu_put(mtev_lfu_t *lfu, const char *key, size_t key_len, void *value)

Put a new item into the LFU

If some other thread has added a val at this key this will overwrite it and restart the frequency count at 1.

This will cause an eviction of the least frequently used item if the cache is full.


mtev_lfu_release(mtev_lfu_t *lfu, mtev_lfu_entry_token token)

Surrender an item back to the LFU

To be memory safe LFU tokens must be released back to the LFU when the user is finished using them.


mtev_lfu_remove(mtev_lfu_t *lfu, const char *key, size_t key_len)

Remove key from the LFU

This does not call the free_fn, instead it returns the value


mtev_lfu_size(mtev_lfu_t *lfu)

Return the total entry count in the LFU


lock the file immediately if possible, return -1 otherwise.

mtev_lockfile_acquire(const char *fp)
  • fp the path to the lock file
  • RETURN >= 0 on success, -1 on failure


lock the file immediately if possible, return -1 otherwise.

mtev_lockfile_acquire_owner(const char *fp, pid_t *owner)
  • fp the path to the lock file
  • owner is a pointer to a pid. If the lock is owned by another process, this will be set to that pid, otherwise it will be set to -1.
  • RETURN >= 0 on success, -1 on failure


release a held file lock

mtev_lockfile_release(mtev_lockfile_t fd)
  • fd the file lock to release
  • RETURN -1 on failure, 0 on success


Log to a log stream (metadata, va_list)

mtev_log(mtev_log_stream_t ls, const struct timeval *now, const char *file, int line,
         const char *format, ...)
  • ls a log stream
  • now the current time
  • file a source file name
  • line a source file line number
  • format a printf-style format string
  • arg a varargs list
  • RETURN The number of bytes written or an approximation

See mtev_ex_log.


Instruct the logging system that the current thread is in a signal handler.



Instruct the logging system to rebuild its dependency graph with new information.


This function is used to rebuild log streams that use logops that may have not been loaded yet. It is called automatically after the mtev_dso system loads a module.


Given a flatbuffer serialization of a log line, convert it to the flatcc type.

mtev_log_flatbuffer_from_buffer(void *buff, size_t buff_len)
  • buff a pointer to memory containing the flatbuffer data.
  • buff_len the length of the buffer buff
  • RETURN a flatcc flatbuffer type


Convert a flatcc typed log line into a textual JSON serialization

mtev_log_flatbuffer_to_json(mtev_LogLine_fb_t ll, mtev_dyn_buffer_t *tgt)
  • ll a flatcc flatbuffer type
  • tgt a target buffer to write the JSON serialization to


Instruct the logging system to use asynchronous logging for higher performance.

  • RETURN 0 on success, -1 on failure.

The mtev_main helpers system automatically calls this.


Instruct the logging system to use synchronous logging.

  • RETURN 0 on success, -1 on failure.

This can be particularly useful when attempting debug a system.


Determine if writing to a specific stream would materially go anywhere.

mtev_log_has_material_output(mtev_log_stream_t ls)
  • ls a log stream
  • RETURN mtev_true if writing would materialize.


Log a hex dump of memory

mtev_log_hexdump(mtev_log_stream_t ls, const void * addr, const size_t len, uint8_t width)
  • ls a log stream
  • addr a memory address
  • len a size in bytes
  • width the number of bytes to show per line.


Initialize the logging system

mtev_log_init(int debug_on)
  • debug_on if non-zero the mtev_debug log stream will be enabled.


Initialize the logging system.



Instruct the logging system that the current thread has left a signal handler.



Retrieve a list of log streams

mtev_log_list(mtev_log_stream_t *loggers, int nsize)
  • loggers an array of nsize log streams
  • nsize the size of the loggers array
  • RETURN The number of log streams placed in the loggers array. If there was insufficient space, the number of elements required is made negative and returned.


Iterate over a fixed set of "memory" log lines invoking a callback for each.

mtev_log_memory_lines(mtev_log_stream_t ls, int log_lines, int (*cb)(uint64_t logid,
                      const struct timeval *whence, const char *text, size_t text_len,
                      void *closure), void *closure)
  • ls a log stream of type "memory"
  • log_lines the number of most recent log lines to traverse
  • cb a callback to invoke for each log line found
  • closure a user-supplied closure to pass into the callback
  • RETURN The number of log lines traversed, -1 on error.


Iterate over a fixed set of "memory" log lines invoking a callback for each.

mtev_log_memory_lines_since(mtev_log_stream_t ls, uint64_t afterwhich, int (*cb)(uint64_t logid,
                            const struct timeval *whnce, const char *text, size_t text_len, void *closure)
                            void *closure)
  • ls a log stream of type "memory"
  • afterwhich the the log id after which traversal should start (log id is the first argument to the callback)
  • cb a callback to invoke for each log line found
  • closure a user-supplied closure to pass into the callback
  • RETURN The number of log lines traversed, -1 on error.


Instruct the logging system to reopen all logs if applicable.

  • RETURN 0 on success, -1 on failure.


Instruct the logging system to reopen all logs of a specific type.

mtev_log_reopen_type(const char *type)
  • type a type matching a logops name.
  • RETURN 0 on success, -1 on failure.


Create a new speculative logging buffer.

mtev_log_speculate(int nlogs, int nbytes)
  • nlogs store at most nlogs log lines
  • nbytes store at most nbytes bytes.
  • RETURN a new log stream


Finish speculation on a speculative log stream

mtev_log_speculate_finish(mtev_log_stream_t ls, mtev_log_stream_t speculation)
  • ls a log stream to which you wish to commit the speculation, MTEV_LOG_SPECULATE_ROLLBACK to discard
  • speculation a speculative log stream created with mtev_log_speculate


Connect a log stream to another log stream.

mtev_log_stream_add_stream(mtev_log_stream_t ls, mtev_log_stream_t outlet)
  • ls a log stream whose output should be sent to outlet
  • outlet a log stream


Connect a log stream to another log stream with a filter.

mtev_log_stream_add_stream_filtered(mtev_log_stream_t ls, mtev_log_stream_t outlet, const char *filter)
  • ls a log stream whose output should be sent to outlet
  • outlet a log stream
  • filter an expression parsable by mtev_logic
  • RETURN mtev_true if the log streams could be connected with the give filter.


Close a log stream

mtev_log_stream_close(mtev_log_stream_t ls)
  • ls a log stream


Cull old and/or excessive log contents

mtev_log_stream_cull(mtev_log_stream_t ls, int age, ssize_t bytes)
  • ls a log stream to cull
  • age the maximum age in seconds to retain, -1 to skip the age assessment
  • bytes the maximum bytes to retain, -1 to skip the size assessment
  • RETURN -1 on error, positive if culling occurred, 0 if no action was taken

Only certain logops support culling, if the logops do not support it -1 is usually returned.


Check the existence of a log stream in the logging system.

mtev_log_stream_exists(const char *name)
  • name a possible name of a log stream
  • RETURN mtev_true if a log stream of name name is configured


Find a log stream in the logging system

mtev_log_stream_find(const char *name)
  • name a name of a log stream
  • RETURN a log stream, creating a virtual one if no such name already exists.

Log streams that are implicitly created will be enabled by default and outlet to a log stream above it in its slash-delimited hierarchy. For example: debug/foo/bar will be implicitly created to outlet to debug/foo which will be implicitly created to outlet to debug. If a new top-level stream is implicitly created, it is enabled but will have no outlets and thus be immaterial until connected.


Find a log stream with printf(3) style.

mtev_log_stream_findf(const char *fmt, ...)
  • fmt a printf-style format string with appropriate trailing arguments
  • RETURN a log stream

This formats the stream and calls mtev_log_string_find.


Free the in-memory resources related to a log stream

mtev_log_stream_free(mtev_log_stream_t ls)
  • ls a log stream


Set the custom context for a log stream.

mtev_log_stream_get_ctx(mtev_log_stream_t ls, void *ctx)
  • ls a log stream
  • ctx a user-supplied context.

This is used by logops implementors to manage context.


Get the flags set on a particular log stream.

mtev_log_stream_get_flags(mtev_log_stream_t ls)
  • ls a log stream
  • RETURN The bitset of flags.


Get the name of a log stream

const char *
mtev_log_stream_get_name(mtev_log_stream_t ls)
  • ls a log stream
  • RETURN The name


Get the path from a log stream

const char *
mtev_log_stream_get_path(mtev_log_stream_t ls)
  • ls a log stream
  • RETURN The path, NULL if none


Retrieve configuration property values from a log stream.

const char *
mtev_log_stream_get_property(mtev_log_stream_t ls, const char *key)
  • ls a log stream
  • key the key to look up in the log stream's options
  • RETURN A value associated with the provided key, NULL if not found.


Get the type (name of logops) from a log stream

const char *
mtev_log_stream_get_type(mtev_log_stream_t ls)
  • ls a log stream
  • RETURN The name of the logops, NULL if none


Create a new log stream of a specific type.

mtev_log_stream_new(const char *name, const char *type, const char *path, void *ctx
                    mtev_hash_table *options)
  • name a name for the log stream
  • type a type of logops
  • path a path appropriate for the selected logops
  • ctx a context for the log stream's selected logops
  • options a table of options attached to the log stream
  • RETURN a new log stream or NULL on error

This will replace a log stream of the same name should one exist.


Create a new log stream using appropriate logops attached to output to a file descriptor.

mtev_log_stream_new_on_fd(const char *name, int fd, mtev_hash_table *options)
  • name a name for the log stream
  • fd the file descriptor for output
  • options a table of options attached to the log stream
  • RETURN a new log stream or NULL on error

This will replace a log stream of the same name should one exist.


Create a new file-based log stream.

mtev_log_stream_new_on_file(const char *path, mtev_hash_table *options)
  • path the path to the file. This is also used as the log stream's name
  • options a table of options attached to the log stream
  • RETURN a new log stream, NULL on error


Close a log stream pipe that will not be used.

mtev_log_stream_pipe_close(mtev_log_stream_pipe_t *lp)
  • lp a log stream pipe


Relocate the child end of the log stream pipe to a specific file descriptor

mtev_log_stream_pipe_dup2(mtev_log_stream_pipe_t *lp, int fd)
  • lp a log stream pipe
  • fd a target file descriptor, it's atomically closed and replaced
  • RETURN The return of the internal dup2(2) system call.


Create a mtev_log_stream_pipe_t suitable for cross-process logging

mtev_log_stream_pipe_t *
mtev_log_stream_pipe_new(mtev_log_stream_t ls)
  • ls the target log stream
  • RETURN a new log stream pipe


Prepare a log stream pipe for use in the child process post-fork

mtev_log_stream_pipe_post_fork_child(mtev_log_stream_pipe_t *lp)
  • lp a log stream pipe


Prepare a log stream pipe for use in the parent process post-fork

mtev_log_stream_pipe_post_fork_parent(mtev_log_stream_pipe_t *lp)
  • lp a log stream pipe


Remove a log stream from the logging system.

mtev_log_stream_remove(const char *name)
  • name name of a log stream to remove


Disconnect a specific outlet by name from a log stream

mtev_log_stream_remove_stream(mtev_log_stream_t ls, const char *name)
  • ls a log stream from which to attempt removing an outlet
  • name the name of the log stream that should no longer be in the outlet list
  • RETURN a log stream that was disconnected, NULL if no log stream outlet was disconnected


Remove all outlets from a log stream

mtev_log_stream_removeall_streams(mtev_log_stream_t ls)
  • ls a log stream


Rename a log stream's target if supported

mtev_log_stream_rename(mtev_log_stream_t ls, const char *path)
  • ls a log stream
  • path a new path name, MTEV_LOG_RENAME_AUTOTIME to automatically name it with the current timestamp (required for culling by age)
  • RETURN 0 on success, -1 on failure.

If called manually, a call to mtev_log_stream_reopen should follow.


Reopen a log stream

mtev_log_stream_reopen(mtev_log_stream_t ls)
  • ls a log stream to reopen


Get the flags set on a particular log stream.

mtev_log_stream_set_flags(mtev_log_stream_t ls, int flags)
  • ls a log stream
  • flags a new set of replacement flags.
  • RETURN The bitset of flags that were replaced.


Set the format on a particular log stream.

mtev_log_stream_set_format(mtev_log_stream_t ls, mtev_log_format format)
  • ls a log stream
  • format a format identitier
  • RETURN mtev_true if successful

A log stream without logops cannot have a format set.


Set or replace a key-value property on a log stream

mtev_log_stream_set_property(mtev_log_stream_t ls, const char *key, const char *value)
  • ls a log stream
  • key a key
  • value a value, NULL is allowed.


Determine the space occupied by a log stream

mtev_log_stream_size(mtev_log_stream_t ls)
  • ls a log stream
  • RETURN A size in bytes, if the logops of the given stream supports size assessment, 0 otherwise.


Request that the log stream register statistics with the mtev_stats system.

mtev_log_stream_stats_enable(mtev_log_stream_t ls)
  • ls a log stream
  • RETURN mtev_true is successfully registered with the stats system.


Get a JSON description of a log stream

mtev_json_object *
mtev_log_stream_to_json(mtev_log_stream_t ls)
  • ls a log stream
  • RETURN A mtev_json_object describing the log stream


Report the number of bytes written to a log stream

mtev_log_stream_written(mtev_log_stream_t ls)
  • ls a log stream
  • RETURN A size in bytes since the application started.


Allocated and initialize a lua_module_closure_t for a new runtime.

lua_module_closure_t *
mtev_lua_lmc_alloc(mtev_dso_generic_t *self, mtev_lua_resume_info_t *resume)
  • self the module implementing a custom lua runtime environment
  • resume the custom resume function for this environment
  • RETURN a new allocated and initialized lua_module_closure

Note these are not thread safe because lua is not thread safe. If you are managing multiple C threads, you should have a lua_module_closure_t for each thread and maintain them in a thread-local fashion. Also ensure that any use of the eventer does not migrate cross thread.


Free a lua_module_closure_t structure that has been allocated.

mtev_lua_lmc_free(lua_module_closure_t *lmc)
  • lmc The lua_module_closure_t to be freed.


Get the lua_State * for this module closure.

lua_State *
mtev_lua_lmc_L(lua_module_closure_t *lmc)
  • lmc the lua_module_closure_t that was allocated for this runtime.
  • RETURN a Lua state


Invoke lua_resume with the correct context based on the lua_module_closure_t

mtev_lua_lmc_resume(lua_module_closure_t *lmc, mtev_lua_resume_info_t *ri, int nargs)
  • lmc the lua_module_closure_t associated with the current lua runtime.
  • ri resume meta information
  • nargs the number of arguments on the lua stack to return
  • RETURN the return value of the underlying lua_resume call.


Set the lua_State * for this module closure, returning the previous value.

lua_State *
mtev_lua_lmc_setL(lua_module_closure_t *lmc)
  • lmc the lua_module_closure_t that was allocated for this runtime.
  • lmc the lua_State * that should be placed in this closure.
  • RETURN the previous lua Lua state associated with this closure



Run a comprehensive mtev setup followed by a "main" routine.

mtev_main(const char *appname, const char *config_filename, int debug, int foreground,
          mtev_log_op_t lock, const char *glider, const char *drop_to_user,
          const char *drop_to_group, int (*passed_child_main)(void))
  • appname The application name (should be the config root node name).
  • config_filename The path the the config file.
  • debug Enable debugging (logging).
  • foreground 0 to daemonize with watchdog, 1 to foreground, 2 to foreground with watchdog.
  • lock Specifies where to not lock, try lock or exit, or lock or wait.
  • glider A path to an executable to invoke against the process id on crash. May be NULL.
  • drop_to_user A target user for dropping privileges when under watchdog. May be NULL.
  • drop_to_group A target group for dropping privileges when under watchdog. May be NULL.
  • passed_child_main A programmers supplied main function.
  • RETURN -1 on failure, 0 on success if foreground==1, or the return value of main if run in the foreground.


Set options for an app that need not be specified explicitly in a config.

mtev_main_eventer_config(const char *name, const char *value)
  • name The config key name
  • value The value of the config option


Determine if that application is already running under this configuration.

mtev_main_status(const char *appname, const char *config_filename, int debug, pid_t *pid
                 pid_t *pgid)
  • appname The application name (should be the config root node name).
  • config_filename The path the the config file.
  • debug Enable debugging (logging).
  • pid If not null, it is populated with the process id of the running instance.
  • pgid If not null, it is populated with the process group id of the running instance.
  • RETURN 0 on success, -1 on failure.


Terminate an already running application under the same configuration.

mtev_main_terminate(const char *appname, const char *config_filename, int debug)
  • appname The application name (should be the config root node name).
  • config_filename The path the the config file.
  • debug Enable debugging (logging).
  • RETURN 0 on success, -1 on failure. If the application is not running at the time of invocation, termination is considered successful.


C Macro for declaring a "maybe" buffer.

MTEV_MAYBE_DECL(type, name, cnt)
  • type A C type (e.g. char)
  • name The name of the C variable to declare.
  • cnt The number of type elements initially declared.

A "maybe" buffer is a buffer that is allocated on-stack, but if more space is required can be reallocated off stack (malloc). One should always call MTEV_MAYBE_FREE on any allocated maybe buffer.


C Macro for declaring a "maybe" buffer.

MTEV_MAYBE_DECL_VARS(type, name, cnt)
  • type A C type (e.g. char)
  • name The name of the C variable to declare.
  • cnt The number of type elements initially declared.


C Macro to free any heap space associated with a "maybe" buffer.

  • name The name of the "maybe" buffer.


C Macro for initializing a "maybe" buffer

  • name The name of "maybe" buffer.


C Macro to ensure a maybe buffer has at least cnt elements allocated.

  • name The name of the "maybe" buffer.
  • cnt The total number of elements expected in the allocation.

This macro will never reduce the size and is a noop if a size smaller than or equal to the current allocation size is specified. It is safe to simply run this macro prior to each write to the buffer.


C/C++ Macro to ensure a maybe buffer has at least cnt elements allocated.

  • name The name of the "maybe" buffer.
  • type The type of the "maybe" buffer.
  • cnt The total number of elements expected in the allocation.

This macro will never reduce the size and is a noop if a size smaller than or equal to the current allocation size is specified. It is safe to simply run this macro prior to each write to the buffer. NOTE: this version is separate to avoid breaking existing code that uses the older macro. It allows usage with C++, which requires the memory allocation pointer to be cast to the correct type before assignment.


C Macro for number of bytes available in this buffer.

  • name The name of the "maybe" buffer.


Merge sort data starting at head_ptr_ptr, iteratively

mtev_merge_sort(void **head_ptr_ptr, mtev_sort_next_function next,
                mtev_sort_set_next_function set_next, mtev_sort_compare_function compare)
  • next the function to call to get the next pointer from a node
  • set_next the function to call to alter the item directly after current
  • compare the function to call to compare 2 nodes


Create directories along a path.

mkdir_for_file(const char *file, mode_t m)
  • file a filename for which a directory is desired.
  • m the mode used for creating directories.
  • RETURN Returns 0 on success, -1 on error.

Creates all directories from / (as needed) to hold a named file.


MACRO that calls mtevFatal if the condition evaluates to false.



MACRO write to a log stream

mtevEL(mtev_log_stream_t ls, mtev_log_kv_t *meta, const char *fmt, ...)
  • ls a log stream
  • meta extra metadata
  • fmt a printf-style format string
  • ... printf arguments

This calls mtevELT with NULL as the time argument such that the current time is determined in the logging system. These short-form macros should almost always be used as they will make efforts to skip evaluation of the arguments if the logging would not materialize anywhere.

Example: mtevEL(mtev_error, MLKV{ MLKV_NUM("answer", 42"), MLKV_STR("question", "what?"), MLKV_END }, "hello %s\n", name);


MACRO write to a log stream

mtevELT(mtev_log_stream_t ls, const struct timeval *now, mtev_log_kv_t *meta,
        const char *fmt, ...)
  • ls a log stream
  • now a timeval representing the current time
  • meta extra metadata
  • fmt a printf-style format string
  • ... printf arguments


MACRO that calls mtevFatal if the condition evaluates to false.



MACRO to abort after logging.

mtevFatal(mtev_log_stream_t ls, const char *fmt, ...)

This function will force the logging system into synchronous behavior, log with mtevL, and abort.


MACRO write to a log stream

mtevL(mtev_log_stream_t ls, const char *fmt, ...)
  • ls a log stream
  • fmt a printf-style format string
  • ... printf arguments


MACRO write to a log stream

mtevLT(mtev_log_stream_t ls, const struct timeval *now, const char *fmt, ...)
  • ls a log stream
  • now a timeval representing the current time
  • fmt a printf-style format string
  • ... printf arguments


MACRO to abort after logging.

mtevTerminate(mtev_log_stream_t ls, const char *fmt, ...)

This function will force the logging system into synchronous behavior, log with mtevL, and exit(2).




the current system time in milliseconds

* **RETURN** mtev_gettimeofday() in milliseconds since epoch



the current system time in microseconds

* **RETURN** mtev_gettimeofday() in microseconds since epoch



Generate a pseudo-random number between [0,2^64)

  • RETURN A pseudo-random number in the range [0,2^64)


Fill a buffer with pseudo-random bytes.

mtev_rand_buf(void *buf, size_t len)
  • buf A buffer to fill.
  • len The number of bytes to populate.
  • RETURN The number of bytes written to buf (always len).


Fill a buffer with securely random bytes.

mtev_rand_buf_secure(void *buf, size_t len)
  • buf A buffer to fill.
  • len The number of bytes to populate.
  • RETURN The number of bytes written to buf (< len if insufficient entropy).


Fill a buffer with likely secure, but possibly pseudo-random bytes.

mtev_rand_buf_trysecure(void *buf, size_t len)
  • buf A buffer to fill.
  • len The number of bytes to populate.
  • RETURN The number of bytes written to buf (always len).


Generate a secure random number.

mtev_rand_secure(uint64_t *out)
  • out A pointer to a uint64_t in which a securely generated random number will be stored.
  • RETURN 0 on success, -1 on failure (not enough entropy available).


Generate a likely secure, but possibly pseudo-random number between [0,2^64)

  • RETURN A random pseudo-random number in the range [0,2^64)


Register a new set of named logging operations.

mtev_register_logops(const char *type, logops_t *ops)
  • type a type naming this type of logging
  • ops a structure with callbacks to drive logging operations.

This operation will not replace an existing logops of the same name.



chroot(2) to the specified directory.

mtev_security_chroot(const char *path)
  • path The path to chroot to.
  • RETURN Zero is returned on success.

mtev_security_chroot placing the calling application into a chroot environment.


change the capabilities of the process

mtev_security_setcaps(mtev_security_captype_t type, const char *capstring)
  • which the effective, inherited or both
  • capstring alteration to the capabilities
  • RETURN Zero is returned on success.

mtev_security_setcaps will change the capability set of the current process.


change the effective or real, effective and saved user and group

mtev_security_usergroup(const char *user, const char *group, mtev_boolean effective)
  • user The user name as either a login or a userid in string form.
  • group The group name as either a login or a groupid in string form.
  • effective If true then only effective user and group are changed.
  • RETURN Zero is returned on success.

mtev_security_usergroup will change the real, effective, and saved user and group for the calling process. This is thread-safe.


releases all resources related to a semaphore

mtev_sem_destroy(mtev_sem_t *s)
  • s the semaphore to destroy
  • RETURN 0 on success or -1 on failure


retrieves the current value of a semaphore, placing it in *value

mtev_sem_getvalue(mtev_sem_t *s, int *value)
  • s the semaphore on which to operate
  • value a pointer an integer that will be populated with the current value of the semaphore
  • RETURN 0 on success or -1 on failure


initializes a counting semaphore for first time use.

mtev_sem_init(mtev_sem_t *s, int unused, int value)
  • s the semaphore to be initialized
  • unused is unused (keeps API combatibility with sem_init()
  • value sets the initial value of the semaphore
  • RETURN 0 on success or -1 on failure


increments the value of the semaphore releasing any waiters.

mtev_sem_post(mtev_sem_t *s)
  • s the semaphore on which to wait
  • RETURN 0 on success or -1 on failure


decrements the value of the semaphore if greater than 0 or fails

mtev_sem_trywait(mtev_sem_t *s)
  • s the semaphore on which to wait
  • RETURN 0 on success or -1 on failure


decrements the value of the semaphore waiting if required.

mtev_sem_wait(mtev_sem_t *s)
  • s the semaphore on which to wait
  • RETURN 0 on success or -1 on failure


Convenience function that delegates to sem_wait, swallowing EINTR errors.

mtev_sem_wait_noeintr(mtev_sem_t *s)
  • s the semaphore on which to wait
  • RETURN 0 on success or -1 on failure

This function is built on sem_wait, and sem_wait can fail in other ways besides EINTR, such as due to EINVAL. These other failures will be due to mis-use of the semaphore API -- e.g., by trying to sem_wait on a structure that was never initialized with sem_init. Mis-using thread-synchronization primitives will often lead to subtle, serious, and hard-to-reproduce bugs, so this function will mtevFatal on other errors, rather than forcing clients to deal with (likely) un-handlable errors. If your client code can handle these other errors, use sem_wait directly, do not use this function.


Function definition to compare sortable entries

mtev_sort_compare_function(void *left, void *right)
  • left one object to compare
  • right the other object to compare
  • RETURN less than zero, zero, or greater than zero if left is less than, equal, or greater than right.


Function definition to get the next item from current

void *
mtev_sort_next_function(void *current)
  • current the current node
  • RETURN the item after current


Function definition to re-order objects

mtev_sort_set_next_function(void *current, void *value)
  • current the current node
  • value the value that should be directly after current


Exposes the system gethrtime() or equivalent impl

  • RETURN mtev_hrtime_t the system high-res time



check to see if fast mode is enabled

mtev_time_fast_mode(const char **reason)
  • RETURN true if fast mode is on, false otherwise, the reason param will contain a text description


Usually this is managed for you, but this is safe to call at any time

  • RETURN mtev_true if it was successful in parameterizing the CPU for rdtsc, mtev_false otherwise

Safe to call at any time but if you start_tsc, you should never need to call this as the maintenance system can do it for you. However, if you find you need to call it you must be bound to a thread using the mtev_thread APIs and the function will return whether it was successful in parameterizing the CPU for rdtsc use.


use TSC clock if possible for this CPU num


This will remain active in the thread until you call stop


Turn off TSC usage for the current cpu of this thread (from when start_tsc was called)



will switch on/off the requirement of an invariant tsc. This must be run before any call to mtev_time_toggle_tsc() or mtev_time_tsc_start() and is a one time call.

mtev_time_toggle_require_invariant_tsc(mtev_boolean enable)

Defaults to enabled.


will switch on/off rdtsc usage across all cores regardless of detected state of rdtsc or start/stop usage.

mtev_time_toggle_tsc(mtev_boolean enable)

Defaults to enabled.

This is independent of start_tsc/stop_tsc. You can disable all and then reenable and the thread will keep going using the state from the last start/stop_tsc



Decode a url encoded input buffer into the provided output buffer.

mtev_url_decode(const char *src, size_t src_len, unsigned char *dest, size_t dest_len)
  • src The buffer containing the encoded content.
  • src_len The size (in bytes) of the encoded data.
  • dest The destination buffer to which the function will produce.
  • dest_len The size of the destination buffer.
  • RETURN The size of the decoded output. Returns zero is dest_len is too small.

mtev_url_decode decodes input until an the entire input is consumed or until an invalid url-encoded character is encountered. If any error occurs, 0 is returned.


Encode raw data as url encoded output into the provided buffer.

mtev_url_encode(const unsigned char *src, size_t src_len, char *dest, size_t dest_len)
  • src The buffer containing the raw data.
  • src_len The size (in bytes) of the raw data.
  • dest The destination buffer to which the function will produce.
  • dest_len The size of the destination buffer.
  • RETURN The size of the encoded output. Returns zero is out_sz is too small.


Calculate how large a buffer must be to contain the url encoding for a given number of bytes.

mtev_url_encode_len(size_t src_len)
  • src_len The size (in bytes) of the raw data buffer that might be encoded.
  • RETURN The size of the buffer that would be needed to store an encoded version of an input string.


Calculate how large a buffer must be to contain a decoded url-encoded string of a given length.

mtev_url_max_decode_len(size_t src_len)
  • src_len The size (in bytes) of the url-encoded string that might be decoded.
  • RETURN The size of the buffer that would be needed to decode the input string.


mtev_uuid_clear(uuid_t uu)

Set a uuid to the null uuid.

Follows the same semantics of uuid_clear from libuuid


mtev_uuid_compare(const uuid_t uu1, const uuid_t uu2)

Compare to uuids

  • RETURN 0 if equal, -1 if uu1 is less than uu2, 1 otherwise.

    Follows the same semantics of uuid_compare from libuuid


mtev_uuid_copy(uuid_t dst, const uuid_t src)

Copy src to dst.

Follows the same semantics of uuid_copy from libuuid


mtev_uuid_generate(uuid_t uu)

Generate a V4 uuid.

Follows the same semantics of uuid_generate from libuuid


mtev_uuid_is_null(const uuid_t uu)

Determine if the supplied uuid is the null uuid.

  • RETURN 0 if not null, 1 if null.

    Follows the same semantics of uuid_is_null from libuuid


mtev_uuid_parse(const char *in, uuid_t uu)

Parse "in" in UUID format into "uu".

  • RETURN 0 on success, non-zero on parse error

    Follows the same semantics of uuid_parse from libuuid


mtev_uuid_unparse(const uuid_t uu, char *out)

Unparse "uu" into "out".

Follows the same semantics of uuid_unparse_lower from libuuid.

There is no bounds checking of "out", caller must ensure that "out" is at least UUID_STR_LEN in size. This also does not NULL terminate "out". That is also up to the caller.


mtev_uuid_unparse_lower(const uuid_t uu, char *out)

Unparse "uu" into "out".

Follows the same semantics of uuid_unparse_lower from libuuid.

There is no bounds checking of "out", caller must ensure that "out" is at least UUID_STR_LEN in size. This also does not NULL terminate "out". That is also up to the caller.


mtev_uuid_unparse_upper(const uuid_t uu, char *out)

Unparse "uu" into "out".

Follows the same semantics of uuid_unparse_upper from libuuid.

There is no bounds checking of "out", caller must ensure that "out" is at least UUID_STR_LEN in size. This also does not NULL terminate "out". That is also up to the caller.



Log to a log stream (metadata, va_list)

mtev_vlog(mtev_log_stream_t ls, const struct timeval *now, const char *file, int line,
          const char *format, ...)
  • ls a log stream
  • now the current time
  • file a source file name
  • line a source file line number
  • format a printf-style format string
  • arg a varargs list
  • RETURN The number of bytes written or an approximation

See mtev_ex_log.



  • RETURN Returns zero on success

mtev_watchdog_child_eventer_heartbeat registers a periodic heartbeat through the eventer subsystem. The eventer must be initialized before calling this function.


  • RETURN Returns zero on success

mtev_watchdog_child_heartbeat is called within the child function to alert the parent that the child is still alive and functioning correctly.


mtev_watchdog_t *
  • RETURN a new heartbeat identifier (or null, if none could be allocated)

mtev_watchdog_create creates a new heartbeat that must be assessed for liveliness by the parent.


mtev_watchdog_disable(mtev_watchdog_t *hb)
  • hb the heart on which to act

mtev_watchdog_disable will make the parent ignore failed heartbeats.


Disable asynchronous core dumps.


Disable starting a new child while a faulting prior child is still dumping. This must be called before mtev_main and will be overridden by the MTEV_ASYNCH_CORE_DUMP environment variable.


mtev_watchdog_enable(mtev_watchdog_t *hb)
  • hb the heart on which to act

mtev_watchdog_enable will make the parent respect and act on failed heartbeats.


const char *
mtev_watchdog_get_name(mtev_watchdog_t *hb)
  • hb the heart from which to retrieve a name
  • RETURN the name of the heart (or NULL)


returns the timeout configured for this watchdog.

mtev_watchdog_get_timeout(mtev_watchdog_t *hb)
  • hb the heart on which to act
  • RETURN A timeout in seconds, 0 if hb is NULL.


returns the timeout configured for this watchdog.

struct timeval
mtev_watchdog_get_timeout_timeval(mtev_watchdog_t *hb)
  • hb the heart on which to act
  • dur a struct timeval to populate with the timeout
  • RETURN mtev_true if there is a watchog, mtev_false if not.


Sets a glider command.

mtev_watchdog_glider(const char *path)
  • path the full path to the executable.
  • RETURN 0 on success, non-zero on failure.

path is invoked with two parameters, the process id of the faulting child, and the reason for the fault (one of crash, watchdog, or unknown.


Set the directory to store glider output.

mtev_watchdog_glider_trace_dir(const char *path)
  • path a full path to a directory.
  • RETURN 0 on success, non-zero on failure.


mtev_watchdog_heartbeat(mtev_watchdog_t *hb)
  • hb is the heart on which to pulse. If null, the default heart is used.
  • RETURN Returns zero on success

mtev_watchdog_heartbeat will pulse on the specified heart.


Ask the watchdog to manage a child process

mtev_watchdog_manage(const char *file, const char **argv, const char **envp, mtev_log_stream_t out
                     mtev_log_stream_t err)
  • file The process executable
  • argv The arguments to the process
  • envp The environment of the process
  • user The user (if not NULL) to setuid to.
  • group The user (if not NULL) to setgid to.
  • dir The directory (if not NULL) to chdir to.
  • out A log stream for capturing stdout
  • err A log stream for capturing stderr

An auto-restarting execve(...)


Determine the number of times a child has been lauched.

  • RETURN The number of times fork has returned in the parent. In a running server, 0 means you're the first generation.


mtev_watchdog_override_timeout(mtev_watchdog_t *hb, double timeout)
  • hb the heart on which to act
  • timeout the timeout in seconds for this heart (0 for default)

mtev_watchdog_override_timeout will allow the caller to override the timeout for a specific heart in the system.


Prepare the program to split into a child/parent-monitor relationship.

  • RETURN Returns zero on success.

mtev_watchdog_prefork_init sets up the necessary plumbing to bridge across a child to instrument watchdogs.


Set rate limiting for child restarting.

mtev_watchdog_ratelimit(int retry_val, int span_val)
  • retry_val the number of times to retry in the given span_val
  • span_val the number of seconds over which to attempt retries.


mtev_watchdog_recurrent_heartbeat(mtev_watchdog_t *hb)
  • hb is the heart on which to beat.
  • RETURN Returns and event that the caller must schedule.

mtev_watchdog_recurrent_heartbeat creates a recurrent eventer_t to beat a heart.


mtev_watchdog_set_name(mtev_watchdog_t *hb, const char *name)
  • hb the heart to name
  • name a new name for this heart


Starts a function as a separate child under close watch.

mtev_watchdog_start_child(const char *app, int (*func)(), int child_watchdog_timeout)
  • app The name of the application (for error output).
  • func The function that will be the child process.
  • child_watchdog_timeout The number of seconds of lifelessness before the parent reaps and restarts the child.
  • RETURN Returns on program termination.

mtev_watchdog_start_child will fork and run the specified function in the child process. The parent will watch. The child process must initialize the eventer system and then call mtev_watchdog_child_hearbeat to let the parent know it is alive. If the eventer system is being used to drive the child process, mtev_watchdog_child_eventer_heartbeat may be called once after the eventer is initalized. This will induce a regular heartbeat.


Free a client

mtev_websocket_client_free(mtev_websocket_client_t *client)
  • client client to be freed

This function will cleanup the client(and hence trigger any set cleanup_callback) first. This function does nothing if called with NULL.


Access the currently set closure, if any

void *
mtev_websocket_client_get_closure(mtev_websocket_client_t *client)
  • client client to be accessed
  • RETURN most recently set closure, or NULL if never set


Enable debug logging to "debug/websocket_client"


Error logging is always active to "error/websocket_client".


Check if a client has closed and can no longer send or receive

mtev_websocket_client_is_closed(mtev_websocket_client_t *client)
  • client client to be checked
  • RETURN boolean indicating whether the client is closed

Only a return value of mtev_true can be trusted(once closed, a client cannot re-open). Because the caller is unable to check this status inside of a locked section, it is possible that the client closes and invalidates the result of this function call before the caller can act on it.


Check if a client has completed its handshake and is ready to send messages

mtev_websocket_client_is_ready(mtev_websocket_client_t *client)
  • client client to be checked
  • RETURN boolean indicating whether the client is ready

This function will continue to return true after the client has closed.


Construct a new websocket client

mtev_websocket_client_t *
mtev_websocket_client_new(const char *host, int port, const char *path, const char *service,
                          mtev_websocket_client_callbacks *callbacks, void *closure,
                          eventer_pool_t *pool, mtev_hash_table *sslconfig)
  • host required, host to connect to(ipv4 or ipv6 address)
  • port required, port to connect to on host
  • path required, path portion of URI
  • service required, protocol to connect with
  • callbacks required, struct containing a msg_callback and optionally ready_callback and cleanup_callback
  • closure optional, an opaque pointer that is passed through to the callbacks
  • pool optional, specify an eventer pool; thread will be chosen at random from the pool
  • sslconfig optional, enables SSL using the contained config
  • RETURN a newly constructed mtev_websocket_client_t on success, NULL on failure

ready_callback will be called immediately upon successful completion of the websocket handshake. msg_callback is called with the complete contents of each non-control frame received. cleanup_callback is called as the last step of cleaning up the client, after the connection has been torn down. A client returned from this constructor must be freed with mtev_websocket_client_free.


Construct a new websocket client that will be freed automatically after cleanup

mtev_websocket_client_new_noref(const char *host, int port, const char *path, const char *service,
                                mtev_websocket_client_callbacks *callbacks, void *closure,
                                eventer_pool_t *pool, mtev_hash_table *sslconfig)
  • host required, host to connect to(ipv4 or ipv6 address)
  • port required, port to connect to on host
  • path required, path portion of URI
  • service required, protocol to connect with
  • callbacks required, struct containing a msg_callback and optionally ready_callback and cleanup_callback
  • closure optional, an opaque pointer that is passed through to the callbacks
  • pool optional, specify an eventer pool; thread will be chosen at random from the pool
  • sslconfig optional, enables SSL using the contained config
  • RETURN boolean indicating success/failure

Clients allocated by this function are expected to be interacted with solely through the provided callbacks. There are two guarantees the caller must make:

  1. The caller must not let a reference to the client escape from the provided callbacks.
  2. The caller must not call mtev_websocket_client_free() with a reference to this client.


Enqueue a message

mtev_websocket_client_send(mtev_websocket_client_t *client, int opcode, void *buf, size_t len)
  • client client to send message over
  • opcode opcode as defined in RFC 6455 and referenced in wslay.h
  • buf pointer to buffer containing data to send
  • len number of bytes of buf to send
  • RETURN boolean indicating success/failure

This function makes a copy of buf of length len. This function may fail for the following reasons:

  1. The client was not ready. See mtev_websocket_client_is_ready.
  2. The client was already closed. See mtev_websocket_client_is_closed.
  3. Out of memory.


Set a new cleanup_callback on an existing client

mtev_websocket_client_set_cleanup_callback(mtev_websocket_client_t *client
                                           mtev_websocket_client_cleanup_callback cleanup_callback)
  • client client to modify
  • cleanup_callback new cleanup_callback to set


Set a new closure

mtev_websocket_client_set_closure(mtev_websocket_client_t *client, void *closure)
  • client client to be modified
  • closure closure to be set

If closure is NULL, this has the effect of removing a previously set closure.


Set a new msg_callback on an existing client

mtev_websocket_client_set_msg_callback(mtev_websocket_client_t *client
                                       mtev_websocket_client_msg_callback msg_callback)
  • client client to modify
  • msg_callback new msg_callback to set


Set a new ready_callback on an existing client

mtev_websocket_client_set_ready_callback(mtev_websocket_client_t *client
                                         mtev_websocket_client_ready_callback ready_callback)
  • client client to modify
  • ready_callback new ready_callback to set



Swap an existing ACO's span for a new one, returning old

Zipkin_Span *
mtev_zipkin_aco_swap_span(Zipkin_Span *span)
  • span The new span
  • RETURN The old span


Find the currently active span of work.

Zipkin_Span *
mtev_zipkin_active_span(eventer_t e)
  • e An event object (or NULL for the current event)
  • RETURN A span or NULL if no span is currently active.


Sets the endpoint for an annotation.

mtev_zipkin_annotation_set_endpoint(Zipkin_Annotation *annotation, const char *service_name,
                                    bool service_name_copy, struct in_addr host, unsigned short port)
  • annotation The annotation to update.
  • service_name The service name to use.
  • service_name_copy Whether service_name should be allocated (copied) within the span.
  • host The IPv4 host address of theservice.
  • port The IP port of the service.

mtev_zipkin_annotation_set_endpoint sets an endpoint for the provided annotation.


Attach a new child span to an aco thread.

mtev_zipkin_attach_named_to_aco(Zipkin_Span *span, const char *child_name
                                mtev_zipkin_event_trace_level_t *track)
  • span An existing zipkin span.
  • child_name The name of the new child span.
  • track Specifies how event activity should be tracked.


Attach an active span (or new child span) to an aco thread.

mtev_zipkin_attach_to_aco(Zipkin_Span *span, bool new_child, mtev_zipkin_event_trace_level_t *track)
  • span An existing zipkin span.
  • new_child Whether or not a child should be created under the provided span.
  • track Specifies how event activity should be tracked.


Attach an active span (or new child span) to an event.

mtev_zipkin_attach_to_eventer(eventer_t e, Zipkin_Span *span, bool new_child
                              mtev_zipkin_event_trace_level_t *track)
  • e An event object (or NULL for the current event)
  • span An existing zipkin span.
  • new_child Whether or not a child should be created under the provided span.
  • track Specifies how event activity should be tracked.


Sets the endpoint for an annotation.

mtev_zipkin_bannotation_set_endpoint(Zipkin_BinaryAnnotation *annotation, const char *service_name,
                                     bool service_name_copy, struct in_addr host, unsigned short port)
  • annotation The annotation to update.
  • service_name The service name to use.
  • service_name_copy Whether service_name should be allocated (copied) within the span.
  • host The IPv4 host address of theservice.
  • port The IP port of the service.

mtev_zipkin_bannotation_set_endpoint sets an endpoint for the provided annotation.


Discard a client span if one exists.

mtev_zipkin_client_drop(eventer_t e)
  • e An event object (or NULL for the current event)


Create a new span for client user (remote calling)

mtev_zipkin_client_new(eventer_t e, const char *name, bool name_copy)
  • e An event object (or NULL for the current event)
  • name A string to name the span
  • name_copy Whether name should be allocated (copied) within the span.


Format a parent span HTTP header for an HTTP request.

mtev_zipkin_client_parent_hdr(eventer_t e, char *buf, size_t len)
  • e An event object (or NULL for the current event)
  • buf An output buffer for "Header: Value"
  • len The available space in buf
  • RETURN True if successful, false if no trace is available of len is too short.


Publish a client span if one exists.

mtev_zipkin_client_publish(eventer_t e)
  • e An event object (or NULL for the current event)


Format a sampled HTTP header for an HTTP request.

mtev_zipkin_client_sampled_hdr(eventer_t e, char *buf, size_t len)
  • e An event object (or NULL for the current event)
  • buf An output buffer for "Header: Value"
  • len The available space in buf
  • RETURN True if successful, false if no trace is available of len is too short.


Retrieve the current client span should one exist.

Zipkin_Span *
mtev_zipkin_client_span(eventer_t e)
  • e An event object (or NULL for the current event)
  • RETURN A span for client actions or NULL is no span exists.


Format a span HTTP header for an HTTP request.

mtev_zipkin_client_span_hdr(eventer_t e, char *buf, size_t len)
  • e An event object (or NULL for the current event)
  • buf An output buffer for "Header: Value"
  • len The available space in buf
  • RETURN True if successful, false if no trace is available of len is too short.


Format a trace HTTP header for an HTTP request.

mtev_zipkin_client_trace_hdr(eventer_t e, char *buf, size_t len)
  • e An event object (or NULL for the current event)
  • buf An output buffer for "Header: Value"
  • len The available space in buf
  • RETURN True if successful, false if no trace is available of len is too short.


Sets the default endpoint used for new spans.

mtev_zipkin_default_endpoint(const char *service_name, bool service_name_copy, struct in_addr host
                             unsigned short port)
  • service_name The service name to use.
  • service_name_copy Whether service_name should be allocated (copied) within the span.
  • host The IPv4 host address of theservice.
  • port The IP port of the service.

mtev_zipkin_default_endpoint sets a default endpoint for any new spans created without their own default. Use this with care, it is application global. You should likely only call this once at startup.


Sets the default service name used for new spans.

mtev_zipkin_default_service_name(const char *service_name, bool service_name_copy)
  • service_name The service name to use.
  • service_name_copy Whether service_name should be allocated (copied) within the span.

mtev_zipkin_default_service_name sets a default service name for endpoints for any new spans created without their own default. Use this with care, it is application global. You should likely only call this once at startup.


Encode a span into the specified buffer for Zipkin.

mtev_zipkin_encode(unsigned char *buffer, size_t len, Zipkin_Span *span)
  • buffer The target buffer.
  • len The target buffer's size.
  • span The span to encode.
  • RETURN The length of a successful encoding.

mtev_zipkin_encode will take a span and encode it for Zipkin using the Thift BinaryProtocol. The return value is always the length of a successful encoding, even if the buffer supplied is too small. The caller must check the the returned length is less than or equal to the provided length to determine whether the encoding was successful. The caller may provide a NULL buffer if and only if the provided len is 0.


Encode a span into the specified buffer for Zipkin.

mtev_zipkin_encode_list(unsigned char *buffer, size_t len, Zipkin_Span **spans, int cnt)
  • buffer The target buffer.
  • len The target buffer's size.
  • spans The array of spans to encode.
  • cnt The number of spans in spans.
  • RETURN The length of a successful encoding.

mtev_zipkin_encode_list will take a list of spans and encode it for Zipkin using the Thift BinaryProtocol. The return value is always the length of a successful encoding, even if the buffer supplied is too small. The caller must check the the returned length is less than or equal to the provided length to determine whether the encoding was successful. The caller may provide a NULL buffer if and only if the provided len is 0.


Globally set the default event trace level.

mtev_zipkin_event_trace_level(mtev_zipkin_event_trace_level_t level)
  • level The new global default level for event tracing.


Initialize zipkin contexts for the eventer.



Get sampling probabilities for different types of traces.

mtev_zipkin_get_sampling(double *new_traces, double *parented_traces, double *debug_traces)
  • new_traces probability pointer to populate
  • parented_traces probability pointer to populate
  • debug_traces probability pointer to populate

mtev_zipkin_get_sampling gets sampling probabilities for creating new traces. See mtev_zipkin_sampling and the opentracing specification for more details on what each probability means.


Create a new child span.

Zipkin_Span *
mtev_zipkin_new_child(Zipkin_Span *span, const char *name)
  • span The parent
  • name The name of the new span
  • RETURN A new span


Set sampling probabilities for different types of traces.

mtev_zipkin_sampling(double new_traces, double parented_traces, double debug_traces)
  • new_traces probability of createing a new trace (trace_id == NULL)
  • parented_traces probability of createing a parented trace (parent_span_id == NULL)
  • debug_traces probability of createing a debug trace (debug != NULL && *debug)

mtev_zipkin_sampling sets sampling probabilities for creating new traces. Default values are 1.0


Annotate a span.

Zipkin_Annotation *
mtev_zipkin_span_annotate(Zipkin_Span *span, int64_t *timestamp, const char *value, bool value_copy)
  • span The span to annotate.
  • timestamp A pointer the number of microseconds since epoch. NULL means now.
  • value The annotation value itself.
  • value_copy Whether value should be allocated (copied) within the span.
  • RETURN A new annotation.

mtev_zipkin_span_annotate make an annotation on the provided span. The returned resource is managed by the span and will be released with it.


Enable mtev_log appending if span is active.

mtev_zipkin_span_attach_logs(Zipkin_Span *span, bool on)
  • span A zipkin span (NULL allowed)
  • on Wether to enable or disable log appending.


Annotate a span.

Zipkin_BinaryAnnotation *
mtev_zipkin_span_bannotate(Zipkin_Span *span, Zipkin_AnnotationType annotation_type, const char *key,
                           bool key_copy, const void *value, int32_t value_len, bool value_copy)
  • span The span to annotate.
  • annotation_type The type of the value being passed in.
  • key The key for the annotation
  • key_copy Whether key should be allocated (copied) within the span.
  • value The pointer to a value for the annotation.
  • value_len The length (in memory) of the binary value.
  • value_copy Whether value should be allocated (copied) within the span.
  • RETURN A new binary annotation.

mtev_zipkin_span_bannotate make a binary annotation on the provided span. The returned resource is managed by the span and will be released with it.


Annotate a span.

Zipkin_BinaryAnnotation *
mtev_zipkin_span_bannotate_double(Zipkin_Span *span, const char *key, bool key_copy, double value)
  • span The span to annotate.
  • annotation_type The type of the value being passed in.
  • key The key for the annotation
  • key_copy Whether key should be allocated (copied) within the span.
  • value The value for the annotation.
  • RETURN A new binary annotation.


Annotate a span.

Zipkin_BinaryAnnotation *
mtev_zipkin_span_bannotate_i32(Zipkin_Span *span, const char *key, bool key_copy, int32_t value)
  • span The span to annotate.
  • annotation_type The type of the value being passed in.
  • key The key for the annotation
  • key_copy Whether key should be allocated (copied) within the span.
  • value The value for the annotation.
  • RETURN A new binary annotation.


Annotate a span.

Zipkin_BinaryAnnotation *
mtev_zipkin_span_bannotate_i64(Zipkin_Span *span, const char *key, bool key_copy, int64_t value)
  • span The span to annotate.
  • annotation_type The type of the value being passed in.
  • key The key for the annotation
  • key_copy Whether key should be allocated (copied) within the span.
  • value The value for the annotation.
  • RETURN A new binary annotation.


Annotate a span.

Zipkin_BinaryAnnotation *
mtev_zipkin_span_bannotate_str(Zipkin_Span *span, const char *key, bool key_copy, const char *value
                               bool value_copy)
  • span The span to annotate.
  • annotation_type The type of the value being passed in.
  • key The key for the annotation
  • key_copy Whether key should be allocated (copied) within the span.
  • value The value for the annotation.
  • value_copy Whether value should be allocated (copied) within the span.
  • RETURN A new binary annotation.


Sets the default endpoint used for new annotations within the span.

mtev_zipkin_span_default_endpoint(Zipkin_Span *span, const char *service_name, bool service_name_copy,
                                  struct in_addr host, unsigned short port)
  • span The span to update.
  • service_name The service name to use.
  • service_name_copy Whether service_name should be allocated (copied) within the span.
  • host The IPv4 host address of theservice.
  • port The IP port of the service.

mtev_zipkin_span_default_endpoint sets a default endpoint for any annotations or binary_annotations added to the span. All annotations added without an endpoint will use the last default set on the span.


Release resources allociated with span without publishing.

mtev_zipkin_span_drop(Zipkin_Span *span)
  • span The span to release.

mtev_zipkin_span_drop releases all resources associated with the span.


Fetch the various IDs from a span.

mtev_zipkin_span_get_ids(Zipkin_Span *span, int64_t *traceid, int64_t *parent_id, int64_t *id)
  • span The span on which to operate.
  • traceid A pointer to a trace id to populate.
  • parent_id A pointer to a parent span id to populate.
  • span_id A pointer to a span id to populate.
  • RETURN True if the span has a parent, false otherwise.


Report whether a span should have logs attached.

mtev_zipkin_span_logs_attached(Zipkin_Span *span)
  • span A zipkin span to report on.


Allocate a new tracing span.

Zipkin_Span *
mtev_zipkin_span_new(int64_t *trace_id, int64_t *parent_span_id, int64_t *span_id,
                     const char *name, bool name_copy, bool debug, bool force)
  • trace_id A pointer to the trace_id, if NULL, one will be assigned.
  • parent_span_id A point to the span's parent_id (NULL is originating).
  • span_id A pointer to the span's id (NULL will imply that trace_id should be used).
  • name A name for this span.
  • name_copy Wether the name should be allocated (copied) within the span.
  • debug Pointer to whether this is a debug span (bypasses any sampling), NULL allowed.
  • force force the span to be created as if all probabilities were 1.
  • RETURN A new span.

mtev_zipkin_span_new allocates a new span in the system. The caller must eventually release the span via a call to either mtev_zipkin_span_drop or mtev_zipkin_span_publish.


Pulish then release resources allociated with span without publishing.

mtev_zipkin_span_publish(Zipkin_Span *span)
  • span The span to publish and release.

mtev_zipkin_span_publish first publishes, then releases all resources associated with the span.


Increase the reference count to a span.

mtev_zipkin_span_ref(Zipkin_Span *span)
  • span The span to reference.


Rename a span after it has been created, but before publishing.

mtev_zipkin_span_rename(Zipkin_Span *span, const char *name, bool name_copy)
  • span The span to rename.
  • name The new name for the span.
  • name_copy If the passed name will be freed or lost (copy required).


Convert a string Id to an int64_t Id.

int64_t *
mtev_zipkin_str_to_id(const char *in, int64_t *buf)
  • in Id in string form
  • buf working buffer (must not be NULL)
  • RETURN pointer to translated id

mtev_zipkin_str_to_id will take string form id (trace_id, parent_span_id, or span_id) and convert it to an int64_t. If conversion fails, the function will return NULL.


Convert a struct timeval to a timestamp.

mtev_zipkin_timeval_to_timestamp(struct timeval *tv)
  • tv A point to a struct timeval representing the time in question.
  • RETURN a timestamp suitable for use in annotations.

mtev_zipkin_timeval_to_timestamp wil convert a struct timeval (e.g. from gettimeofday) to a the "microseconds since epoch" format expected by Zipkin.

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