The Eventer

The eventer is designed to perform micro tasks without the overhead of a context switch. The underlying goal is to support millions of "seemingly" concurrent heavy tasks by modifying the tasks to be reactive to state changes, make small, non-blocking progress, and yielding control back to the event loop.

Not all work can be done in a non-blocking fashion (e.g. disk reads/writes, and intense computational work). For this, the eventer provides work queues that allow for blocking operations.

Events (eventer_t) have a callback and a closure at their heart. The rest of the fields dictate when, why and possibly where the callback will be invoked with the provided closure.

Event types are dictated by the mask set in the eventer_t object. There are four basic event types available for use:

File Descriptor Activity

#define EVENTER_READ             0x01
#define EVENTER_WRITE            0x02
#define EVENTER_EXCEPTION        0x04

File descriptor based events ("fd events") can react to any of three conditions (by bitwise OR):

  • EVENTER_READ : the availability of data to read
  • EVENTER_WRITE : the availability of buffer space so a write may succeed
  • EVENTER_EXCEPTION : an error condition has occured on the file descriptor

Note that under most circumstances, the file descriptor should be a socket. In typical POSIX systems, these fd events don't fire as expected on files.

The return value of callbacks for fd events represents the new mask that should be used (for subsequent callback invocations). If 0 is returned, the event will be removed from the system and eventer_free will be invoked.

Operations on the file descriptor

While the fd field of the eventer_t is a normal file descriptor and normal POSIX operations can be performed on it (such as read(2), write(2), etc.). These operations are all abstracted away behind the eventer_read, eventer_write, etc. convenience functions.

The opset can be changed to support SSL operations and, in such operations, some non-blocking operations can require some non-obvious events to make progress. Namely, an SSL read may fail with EAGAIN, but require an EVENTER_WRITE event to continue due to a renegotiation.

static int
my_callback(eventer_t e, int mask, void *closure, struct timeval *now) {
  char buff[1024];
  size_t len;
  int mask = 0;

  len = eventer_read(e, buff, sizeof(buff), &mask);
  if (len < 0) {
    if (errno == EAGAIN) return mask|EVENTER_EXCEPTION;
    eventer_close(e, &mask);
    return 0;

  /* use buff */


Order of operations (and other) notes:

  • Always set an fd as non-blocking after creation using eventer_set_fd_nonblocking(int fd)

  • Remember that connect(2) can block and often sets errno = EINPROGRESS and not EAGAIN

  • Always remove an fd event from the eventer before closing it.

  • To suspend an fd event (A) while an asynch event (B) is run:

    • In A's callback
      • eventer_remove_fde(A)
      • eventer_ref(A)
      • pass A as a part of B's closure
      • eventer_add(B)
      • return 0
    • in B's callback with mask = EVENTER_ASYNCH_WORK
      • eventer_trigger(A, EVENTER_READ|EVENTER_WRITE)

Recurrent Events

#define EVENTER_RECURRENT        0x80

Recurrent events are registered to run every time through an event loop. Use these with care. They should be extremely light-weight.

The return value from recurrent events should be EVENTER_RECURRENT.

recurrent_example.c (snippet)
  eventer_t e = eventer_alloc_recurrent(super_often, NULL;

Timed Events

#define EVENTER_TIMER            0x08

By setting the mask to EVENTER_TIMER and the whence to a desired time, an event will perform its callback at some point in the future.

The return value of callbacks for timer events should always be 0.

timers.c (snippet)
  eventer_t e;
  struct timeval whence;
  mtev_gettimeofday(&whence, NULL);
  whence.tv_sec += 5;
  e = eventer_alloc_timer(something_to_do_in_five_seconds, NULL, &whence);

  /* equivalent via helpers */
  struct timeval when;
  mtev_gettimeofday(&when, NULL);
  when.tv_sec += 5;
  eventer_add_at(something_to_do_in_five_seconds, NULL, when);

  /* or */
  struct timeval diff = { .tv_sec = 5 };
  eventer_add_in(something_to_do_in_five_seconds, NULL, diff);

  /* or */
  eventer_add_in_s_us(something_to_do_in_five_seconds, NULL, 5, 0);

Asynchronous Events

Asynchronous events within libmtev run within the context of an eventer_jobq_t. Programmatically, or via configuration, these job queues can be created. The context of the job queue can control how many threads are running and how many events may be queued using an advisory limit. Job queue concurrency can be controlled at run-time.

Job queues have several attributes related to concurrency: min, floor, desired, and max.

The min and the max describe "functional correctness" constraints on the jobq. For example, if it would "malfunction" if more than one job ran concurrently, then the max should be set to one. Setting the concurrency (or desired concurrency) for a jobq sets a target thread count to be achieved if there is work to be done. Floor sets a minimum thread count to maintain even if there is no work to be done. Min and max should not be changed at run-time and provide the domain boundaries for desired.

#define EVENTER_ASYNCH_WORK      0x10
static int
asynch_test(eventer_t e, int mask, void *c, struct timeval *now) {
  mtevL(mtev_error, "thread %p -> %04x\n", pthread_self(), mask);
  return 0;

void child_main() {


  mtevL(mtev_error, "thread %p -> add\n", pthread_self());
  eventer_t e = eventer_alloc_asynch(asynch_test, NULL);

asynch_example.c (output)
[2016-12-04 12:01:50.216744] [error] thread 0x7fffcf7093c0 -> add
[2016-12-04 12:01:50.216776] [error] thread 0x70000086d000 -> 0010
[2016-12-04 12:01:50.216815] [error] thread 0x70000086d000 -> 0020
[2016-12-04 12:01:50.216863] [error] thread 0x7fffcf7093c0 -> 0030

It is important to note the life-cycle of an asynchronous event:

  1. The event is added from some thread A (usually an event loop thread)
  2. A jobq thread B will invoke the callback with mask = EVENTER_ASYNCH_WORK if whence is set and in the future.
  3. Thread B will invoke the callback with mask = EVENTER_ASYNCH_CLEANUP
  4. The event will return to thread A and callback will be invoked with mask = EVENTER_ASYNCH

Choosing Threads

By default new events are created on the "current" event loop thread. This has the effect of causing all new connections from a listener to gang on a single event loop thread. If an event is added from a non-event-loop thread, it will be assigned to thread 1.

The thr_owner field of the eventer_t structure describes which event loop thread owns the event. This can be changed using the eventer_choose_owner_pool and eventer_choose_owner functions.

To take an event and move it to a random thread within its current eventer pool:

move_event1.c (snippet)
static int
my_acceptor(eventer_t e, int mask, void *c, struct timeval *now) {
  eventer_pool_t *my_pool = eventer_get_pool_for_event(e);
  int newfd, newmask;

  newfd = eventer_accept(e, &addr, &addrlen, &newmask);
  if(newfd < 0) return newmask | EVENTER_EXCEPTION;
  if(eventer_set_fd_nonblocking(newfd)) {
  newe = eventer_alloc_fd(my_handler, NULL, newfd, mask);
  eventer_set_owner(newe, eventer_choose_owner_pool(my_pool, rand()));


In the above example, a new connection is received and the new event that is created is assigned to a random thread within the same pool as the parent (listening) event.

move_event2.c (snippet)
  if (want_move) {
    eventer_pool_t *my_pool = eventer_get_pool_for_event(e);
    eventer_set_owner(e, eventer_choose_owner_pool(my_pool, rand()));

To switch an event from one thread to another, simply reassign the thr_owner and then return immediately with the desired mask. The eventer will reschedule the event on the requested thread. Be careful to not ping-pong back and forth without making proress!

Complex Interactions

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